Please Bethesda, fix the Power Armor bug ASAP

Post » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:09 am

Ok, so far I could kinda live with this stupid bug. For those of you, who do not know this, there is a bug that the game continues to think you are in a Power Armor, even if you are not. The result: you cannot open the PipBoy, sprint or use VATS outside of Power Armor anymore.

As I said, I could continue with this bug so far, but now I am at a dead end. For the quest "Dangerous Minds" (a story quest) you have to sit in a chair... which is impossible because of this bug. If you try to sit in the chair the game tells you, that you have to exit the Power Armor, but I am not in it.

I am really, really dissappointed in Bethesda. They fix the absolute unimportant "infinite bottlecap" glitch (without mentioning it in the patch notes), but this (and apparently many other huge bugs) are left unadressed without any comment.

I have spend over 72 hours in the game already (the last 9 to 10 hours or so with the Power Armor bug) and I do NOT have a savegame from before the bugs occurance anymore. And I will not start the game over again.

I know that console commands are not allowed (I don't care if it is because of MS/Sony or Bethesda), but with them we could solve this issue ourselves... well, that will teach me to buy another Bethesda game on console...

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Alycia Leann grace
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