The Dwemer are gone. They left on purpose. They intentionally removed themselves from existence. How does one come back from that? Even Vivec had no sense of their presence.
Not quite. The all of the Dwemer (save one) disappeared from the world when Kagrenac attempted to harness the power of the Heart of Lorkhan to deify the Dwemer race so that they could win the War of the First Council.
According to the reports, the moment he struck the heart, every last Dwemer turned to ash where they stood. As a result, the Chimer ended up the victors of the War of the First Council, and the ball was set rolling for Morrowind's main storyline.
One man's experiments ended up erasing his entire race from existence. I'd hardly call that purposeful.
And I highly doubt you could bring them back now without major lore violations. Besides, they're already bringing the Dragons back, is that not enough?
Noooo we dont need damm dwemer we need REAL dwaRVES. small Bearded, Axe weilding,DWARVES!
So you don't want dwarves but want... dwarves? I fail to follow you.