please bring back the dwarves!

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:18 pm

I know the Anumidium went bye bye in Daggerfall, but I think it would be cool if it made a triumphant return in the future. It's like TES' version of a dooms day weapon where anyone in control of it is unstoppable :P.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:35 am

Dwemer are gone. If the reason for bringing them back is going to be as "logical" as Cyrodiil jungle to forest transformation... meh.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:46 am

Noooo we dont need damm dwemer we need REAL dwaRVES. small Bearded, Axe weilding,DWARVES!
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:21 pm

The Dwemer are gone. They left on purpose. They intentionally removed themselves from existence. How does one come back from that? Even Vivec had no sense of their presence.

Not quite. The all of the Dwemer (save one) disappeared from the world when Kagrenac attempted to harness the power of the Heart of Lorkhan to deify the Dwemer race so that they could win the War of the First Council.

According to the reports, the moment he struck the heart, every last Dwemer turned to ash where they stood. As a result, the Chimer ended up the victors of the War of the First Council, and the ball was set rolling for Morrowind's main storyline.

One man's experiments ended up erasing his entire race from existence. I'd hardly call that purposeful.

And I highly doubt you could bring them back now without major lore violations. Besides, they're already bringing the Dragons back, is that not enough?

Noooo we dont need damm dwemer we need REAL dwaRVES. small Bearded, Axe weilding,DWARVES!

So you don't want dwarves but want... dwarves? I fail to follow you.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:38 pm

Noooo we dont need damm dwemer we need REAL dwaRVES. small Bearded, Axe weilding,DWARVES!

Yeah, I think that would be pretty funny

Not sure who they'd tie it in with the existing lore though

They should have Welsh accents though, that would be cool
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:32 pm

Not quite. The all of the Dwemer (save one) disappeared from the world when Kagrenac attempted to harness the power of the Heart of Lorkhan to deify the Dwemer race so that they could win the War of the First Council.

According to the reports, the moment he struck the heart, every last Dwemer turned to ash where they stood. As a result, the Chimer ended up the victors of the War of the First Council, and the ball was set rolling for Morrowind's main storyline.

One man's experiments ended up erasing his entire race from existence. I'd hardly call that purposeful.

And I highly doubt you could bring them back now without major lore violations. Besides, they're already bringing the Dragons back, is that not enough?

I concur. The Dwemer folk are gone, sad to say. :( It would've been nice to play as a Dwemer. They are gone, kaput, eradicated, ceased to be. There's not even an aging Dwemer sitting in some swamp in Blackmarsh awaiting a spunky blonde-haired youth to crash into his pad and learn the ways of the Dwemers and start a new Dwemer race.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:39 pm

I don't think 'wiped out' is correct, more like 'missing'

more like they had it with all the ignorant primitives so they left to another plane of existence.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:58 pm

My bad then. Can you link me to your source?

Nevermind, I found it

However, that doesn't change the fact that they are "the dwarves", so there's no need to change the topic name.

You were right about there being no dwarves in TES though, good sir.
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carrie roche
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:56 am

Yeah, I think that would be pretty funny

Not sure who they'd tie it in with the existing lore though

They should have Welsh accents though, that would be cool

Very cool :)
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El Goose
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:33 pm

I fear someday Bethesda will be forced to abandon ES unique lore in favor of the LOTR lore, turning dwemer into dwarves and bosmer into hobbits.

Some gamers seem to be incapable of understanding not every fantasy universe has to be exactly the same, and at some point they will be the mayority. :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:29 pm

If the Dwemer are ever to make a return, I'd much rather see that happen in a dedicated game for that purpose than cheesing it as a lame DLC or a half-assed implementation in the existing system.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:15 pm

Like people have previously said, why do we need dwarves. Every single RPG has dwarves, humans, orcs, and dark elves. Thats it. For once we finally have a game that breaks away from that races like khajihts, argonians, and the non playable dremora. we don't need dwarves because dwarves don't exist in the elder scrolls universe. As many people have said, there is a race of short mage/engineers. Not the beer drinking, axe weilding dwarves you are asking for.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:51 pm

Go play any Lord of the rings game! Or Dragon age!

More dwarves? check
Less lizards? check


But I don't want to play LOTR or Dragon Age....I want to play Skyrim with more dwarves and less lizards.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:39 am

"But I don't want to play LOTR or Dragon Age....I want to play Skyrim with more dwarves and less lizards."

well then, that wouldn't be Skyrim

Edit because of quote failure
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:33 am

"But I don't want to play LOTR or Dragon Age....I want to play Skyrim with more dwarves and less lizards."

well then, that wouldn't be Skyrim

Your logic stunned me. I have no defense against it. It wins.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:11 pm

I know that in the Elder Scrolls series the Dwarves' race was completely wiped out ages ago but in a world FULL OF MAGIC I'm pretty sure Bethesda could create a logical way to bring them back cause I would love to play as a dwarf or at least see some Dwarven NPCs walking around. I dont know what all armor is in the 5th game obviously but I'm sure it'll be variants of the 4th games which makes me wonder: what's the point of dwarven armor if you can't play as a dwarf, see a dwarf, can't even go to a dwarven ruin or something, etc. I love the series i find nothing wrong with it Im just wanting to see the inclusion of a badass race in some gameplay. If they dont incorporate dwarves into gameplay, it would be fine ^_^ ...but if they did, it'd be [censored] AWESOME!!!! :drool:

My brother talks about this whenever Skyrim comes up in convo. Ever since he saw that one dwarf in morrowind he has been looking for dwarves. He actually plays other games as dwarves instead now, kinda like a rebellion. I'm not into them much myself, but I'd love to see them come back. Seems like they could give a good story for it in the mountainous regions of Skyrim...
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:28 pm

But I don't want to play LOTR or Dragon Age....I want to play Skyrim with more dwarves and less lizards.

That is what mods are for :spotted owl:
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:11 pm

But Skyrim will have more short people than ever before seen in TES, and will probably not havemuch in the way of lizards, since as we all know Argonians are not lizards.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:15 am

The Dwemer are gone. They left on purpose. They intentionally removed themselves from existence. How does one come back from that? Even Vivec had no sense of their presence.

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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:04 pm

yeah, I feel that the return of the dwarves should be it's own game. Or rather, they should just have a prequel to all the games and go back to a time when there were dwarves.
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:42 pm

First of all: The "Dwarwes" in The Elder Swrolls are not your archetypical dwarf (they are almost identical to the other elves)

Next: Most likely they were just exterminated by the Chimer/Dunmer. The "dissapeared" stories are most likely just "awe" for their technological superiority, combined with the distrust/downlooking of the Dunmer. In fact, they (the Dunmer) were never defeated in a "fair" war, only conquered because Red Mountain destroyed half of Morrowind BEFORE the Argonians invaded. Easily seeing that the mostly Imperial historians, don′t see the Dunmer capable of much (80 years of war are probably one explanation...)

Last: I don′t think it will be anything close to easy to put into the game...

The "hyper armorer" and brute force, axe wielding maniacs role is also already taken by the Orcs...sorry.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:37 am

Noooo we dont need damm dwemer we need REAL dwaRVES. small Bearded, Axe weilding,DWARVES!

...and we need romantic scenes with Dovakhiin and a dwemer, like that other game...what was its name again? :tongue:
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:26 pm

Well, unless the Dwemer have a secret underground mountain stronghold where they've live for ages in hiding, there is no logical explanation for the Dwemer returning. And if you don't think the Dwemer can be short like traditional Dwarves based simply on the fact that they're Mer, just look at the difference between the Altmer and the Bosmer. They don't have to be average height to be Mer. As for a miraculous return, the Aedra (and Daedra) can do many things, but based on what is implyed lore wise, they can't resurect an entire race, especially since the only interactive remains they left of themselves were ghosts.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:55 pm

That said, I'd love to see more dwarven ruins. I really enjoyed exploring them in Morrowind. :)

There was another topic thread on here which gave some information on Skyrim. It stated that there will be Dwemer ruins to explore :)
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:11 pm

More than anything, I wish that Beth had never referred to the Dwemer as "dwarves." Would've shut all this nonsense down before it even started.....

The Dwemer are something entirely different from the common conception of "dwarves," and while it might be interesting to deal with them some more in upcoming games (and, in point of fact, there are supposed to be Dwemer ruins in Skyrim), THEY ARE NOT DWARVES.

Gimli is not going to be in TES. Deal with it.
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