1. I am getting kicked out of a mp match sooner or later. Enabling the DMZ mode in my router helped here a little bit but there are still few disconnects.
2. I also got the network connectivity bug -> always when I boot up my PC after a longer break. But when I restart my machine I can enter mp without any problems.
I tried to fix the following problems by doing these things.
- enabling DMZ in my router
- deactivating my win firewall completly
- Changing my win firewall options by going to win firwall - advanced options - "incoming rules" - giving both crysis2.exe files the possibility to use all ports (protocols and ports)
But like i said - it only helped to reduce the disconnects.
Other possibilities (not tested yet):
- manual port forwarding TCP: 64100("game" port), 6667, 29900, 2990, 28910 UDP: 27900, 27901, 64100
- For some routers you have to activate UPnP
- For the connectivity bug http://www.tobias-hartmann.net/2011/03/crysis-2-uberprufe-bitte-deine-netzwerkverbindung/ (sry its german)
Btw. I am from germany so dont be too harsh when it comes to my grammar....
For everyone who can't "share" their internet via the network because the option in the properties of your network connection is missing.
1. Enable/activate your WLAN and your LAN connection (you need 2 connections for this I think)
2. Go to you connection which will be connected to the internet (in my case WLAN) and klick "bypass/to bridge(?)"
3. Now the sharing option should be available.
4. Share the connection and in some cases the error "an error accured..." will disappear.
For me this works perfectly...better than restarting my computer over an over again.
Ps: I am not shure about the words "bypass/to bridge" and "share" becaus i got a german windows. Perhabs somebody will translate it...