» Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:04 am
Ok, I have the SAME error from the demo ( and a lot of people too ), "check your network connectivity"... well, the difference now is THAT I HAVE BOUGHT THE RETAIL GAME. And as a customer, I have rights.
You guys have a lot of time to check this issue, and nothing was done so far. So think how many players gived up buy the retail just because they was unable to play the demo? And how many people will not buy the game by simple reading this!? More important than DX11, bugs, and blablabla, is worst if we just CANNOT LOG IN MULTIPLAYER! I'm IT anolist, so I'm not a noob, just check your damn trace... just get stucked in a server. I'll not display it here, cos I'm a customer, not a employee to get your job done.
What I did:
- Port Forward - I DID
- Open Ports - I DID
- Firewall - Allowed and even disabled
- Anti Virus - Same Above
- No, I do not share my connection.
- My Modem - Dlink - 500B - Root Mode
- Internet - 2MB - ( guys, say your modem type and internet type, maybe it give some light for him )
I will not disable my rooter and reset to normal mode just to play a game, even doing it, the problem would be the same cos the problem is with you.
Now I ( WE ) want solution for this issue, cos if was just to play the single player I would think twice before buy this game.
And sorry about my english, is a pain in the a** have to speak 4 different languages.
Now in Portuguese: RESOLVAM ESSA MERDA!