» Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:23 am
Guess I just spent 60 bucks ( R$ 115,00 ) for nothing. This is sad, cos the single player, well, not even close comparing with Original Crysis, it's so ,so, so limited... and the main reason for most of us have bought this game is the MP and a lot of people ( thousand ) cannot simple log in. This should remain as a lesson for all of us. If something is running wrong in demos, betas, etc, it'll not work in the release, most by being a port.
I'll keep playing good MP games, like Starcraft 2, BF:BC 2, TF, and so on... and not waste my time trying to convince a company to do the job that they're payed for.
For the money spent, well, gotta keep working to receive the money, while some companies receive "easy money" not doing the job.