» Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:58 am
After suffering this problem since I have bought the game, I found that if I restart my com, until it's work, it's work. BUT it only happen sometimes (50%). Anyway, what is wrong with the connectivity? My internet always runs with perfect connectivity without lag at all, but this problem is still haunting me even I change the internet. It's not our connectivity that have problems, it's Crytek's server. It's quite annoying when I want to play MP but I have to restart my com and open the game repeatedly to go on MP. This is quite irritating.
With all do respect, Crytek has fixed many bugs along the nine patches, but not all of them. It may takes time to fix it all, but when? That's the question. If the game was still creepy on the release day, why didn't they postpone it? Why they released the game with plenty of bugs and problems?
This is still the mystery of the company and it turned us into misery. Everyday I play MP and everyday I find problems. I love the game, but there are a lot of things to be fixed, so please get it done ASAP. When will I get the perfectly utopia in 8v8 multiplayers fighting each other to achieve the goal as GOOD GAME, NOT INTERRUPTED GAME!!