Grounded ideas that are suited to the world and spirit of Tamriel or raising technical issues or fixes for bugs and glitches are good, but some of the suggestions I have read makes me query whether I am playing the same game:
Damage Numbers (popping out of opponents heads), Hard Core six and Nudity (to make it more realistic), Cross-Over with the Fallout Universe (WTF), God Mode (Doom style), Firearms (guns and rifles), Squad NPC Mechanics (like many FPS games), Super Powers (not perks or magic but Marvel & DC type)...etc etc etc the list goes on.....
Discussion and forums are good, as it can solve horrible issues that may of come beforehand such as Oblivions Levelscaling (which the Developers are clearly addressing), but a huge majority of the ideas we put forward are just too bizarre or not in keeping with the series.
Before any sensitive types out there get all defensive and jump off their high-horses I just want to put straight that at no point am I trying to say that all ideas are bad or terrible per se, just that many of them are not befitting for an Elder Scrolls game. Maybe in Mass Effect, Final Fantasy or Dragon Age, yes. But this isn't Mass Effect, Final Fantasy or Dragon Age. And who is best to make judgement of that... well that would be the Developers.