Every single legendary enemy (ones with stars next to their names) has dropped a legendary piece of armor of weapon (again, it has a star next to its names in your inventory)
Well, I haven't seen any stars in my inventory either, so either I'm missing the weapons when they drop them, or they don't have them. I habitually just hit "take all" when I check bodies.
You left out a step.
Just before the bodies outside sanctuary, right before the bridge is a mail box that has a few nades in it. Don't miss those.
You must be an enormously sad person, then.
Sadly, ever since I started playing Bethesda games with Oblivion, they seem to make these exploit bugs their top priority, as opposed to quest or companion fixes.
Meh. I used it once to twice because to seemed useful. It's lame and it jacks up my ammo. Easier just to find what I need or craft it.
lol a radroach wearing a derby and a bowtie. that's too funny.
The frequency and quality of Legendary items drops is dependent on what difficulty you are playing at, I am playing at default currently and after 60+ hours have probably a dozen legendary pieces. Only two of which I actually use.
So true. For some reason they feel exploits like the Ohgma Infinium need patching yet they leave so much broken stuff unfixed that's been broken since day 1.
I haven't used it yet but I like to know it's there if I want to get a fresh character up and running quick. We have no ~ on console
Caps are easy to get if you play right.
Make water purifiers and you can make 4K caps each day or more.
Do Diamond City Blues and become a chem dealer.