No, you're reading it correctly, I used that line - from the game - as a reference since I didn't want to post any spoilers.
SPOILER - Do not read if you haven't done the Fighter's Guild Quests.
And then Bethesda flipped it on me. Ironically, I played Oblivion before Morrowind, and when I came to first quest in Morrowind, I knew enough not to charge in - except this time I was supposed to kill the rats.
I've only done the Fighter's Guild a couple of times and I plan to do it again this summer, along with Knights of the Nine (never done) and the Shivering Isle expansion. I also plan to do The Ayleid Steps and about 8 other mods.
The reason I don't do the Fighters Guild is because, with FCOM added, that weapon drop quest becomes annoying hard. It adds a large number - once it was well over a dozen - goblins to the outside of the cave. Egghh. Now I wait until I can kill them all easily ...
~ Dan ~