Please ... don't make me do it again ...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 am

I have to say the rumare slaughter fish, from the very first game they savaged me, but I'm a glutton for punishment.
Although this time I have yet to do it, so maybe I have broken my repetitive impluses.

It is though, a good quest for getting your Athletics and Endurance and Alteration up fast.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:34 am

I voted the chargen dungeon but I kind of regret it now since it is easily bypassed by saving at the end for making new character if you don't want to do it again. I personally avoid the IC merchant quest because they're just a bunch of pansies who can't handle a little competitive business :)
So I have to say the oblivion gates really drive me nuts, and it's not even the amount of them it's that there are only like 10 variations that you have to through over and over and over and over and over and over and over.........
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 am

The quest I truly hated was the 'Dream' (Kud-ei in Bravil.) I couldn't seem to make the turn in the tunnel. I got disoriented and drowned. Fortunately this happened with an early character when I was still reloading because I was still getting used to the changes from Morrowind. I kept pushing the wrong keys.Then either nothing happened or the wrong thing happened. That was one quest I cheated on and looked in the book for how to get through it.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:55 am

It is though, a good quest for getting your Athletics and Endurance and Alteration up fast.

Very true, now after sooo many times I know what to expect I go armed with spells and early now.
Its just after yeah many times of going to IC then straight to the quest right out of the sewers I just got bored with the hassle.
Much like the merchants quest, I got in the habit of running check lists of must dos that it got boring just playing for me.
So now every character does something different, just so repetition is kept down.
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:02 pm

I just voted for "the mages guild quests" ( I have done them three times now), but also for "I love it all".

I dont do a lot of quests and I don't think iv actually done all of them anyone. Because I play dead is dead, my characters don't often do the same quests (I have not, for instance, even scratched the surface of Shivering Isles) and most playthroughs are refreshing. Also, in the case of Merlin my latest char, for the last 20 hours he has not done Oblivion gates, so doing even the first one now is quite a pleasant change.

As for the CharGen dungeon, i have a permament save at the Exit, a basic char, with enough equipment to sell and make a few pennys. When I start a new char, I go straight to Jauffre and take the relevant armour/weapons I need and also grab one of the monk's horses that he offers.

From there, I strike out in different paths each time, sometimes just wandering, picking up the occaisonal quest or doing a quest line (eg Arena ). I find that way I never get really sick of the same quests, because when I finish with my mage I will pick up a Fighter and do entirely different quests, then a thief, an archer etc until I get back to a mage after a few months.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:45 am

I just voted for "the mages guild quests" ( I have done them three times now), but also for "I love it all".

I dont do a lot of quests and I don't think iv actually done all of them anyone. Because I play dead is dead, my characters don't often do the same quests (I have not, for instance, even scratched the surface of Shivering Isles) and most playthroughs are refreshing. Also, in the case of Merlin my latest char, for the last 20 hours he has not done Oblivion gates, so doing even the first one now is quite a pleasant change.

As for the CharGen dungeon, i have a permament save at the Exit, a basic char, with enough equipment to sell and make a few pennys. When I start a new char, I go straight to Jauffre and take the relevant armour/weapons I need and also grab one of the monk's horses that he offers.

From there, I strike out in different paths each time, sometimes just wandering, picking up the occaisonal quest or doing a quest line (eg Arena ). I find that way I never get really sick of the same quests, because when I finish with my mage I will pick up a Fighter and do entirely different quests, then a thief, an archer etc until I get back to a mage after a few months.

yeah i agree that the mage guild quests get kind of old but the spellmaking altar at the end of it alone in my opinion makes that whole thing worth while
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:37 am

I rather like the Obl gates, I wantz my sigil stones

Rescuing Martin for umpteenth time just to get them kick started is what I am finding tedious

I'm not a guilds type, none of them have ever gotten more than a single run through from me
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 am

I've had Oblivion for a while now (about 2 years), and not really any quests have gotten old for me. I admit the intro Dungeon is starting to get old, but I sometimes just use the coc Console Command to leave, depending on whether I want my character to be involved in the Main Quest or not. I'm a Role-Player, so maybe the experience of doing each Quest with a different Personality is what keeps me interested.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 am

Voted for chargen dungeon and oblivion gates. Chargen mostly because of tutorial popups. Oblivion gates because I always get lost. (But I will probably never stop thinking they look cool.) Also, voted both because they are the ones I end up having to go through the most, so therefore they've gotten pretty old. The rest of the options, you don't have to do any of them (like chargen*) and if you do, at least it's not the same thing over and over (like Oblivion gates.)

Although, I am pretty tired of the Bravil Mages Guild Rec quest. but I like all the others.

I'd also add Paranoia, because it's practically unavoidable. Leave me alone, Glarthir, I am trying to drop off these nirnroots.

*From now on I'm doing that save-right-before-the-last-gate-in-the-tutorial-dungeon trick.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:09 pm

Killing slaughterfish at low levels , and depressing repetitive oblivion gates. I end up avoiding them as much as possible ; although the sky outside the portal has a interesting effect.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:38 pm

... rats? They've got Fighter's Guild recruits out killing rats?

Someone clearly didn't do the Fighter's Guild at all.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:04 pm

I think you can avoid all of those on the PC.

1) Chargen can be bypassed just by saving at the end of the sewers and reloading from there on each new character.
2) Mages guild is only needed for altar access - there are mods that places these in player homes
3) Rumare Slaughterfish - if you're an Argonian, you don't want the ring anyway. If you're any other race, it's doubtful - just ignore this one
4) Shopkeepers in IC that you need to do business with don't care about this quest.
5) Keep the amulet and avoid gates
6) You don't need to join the FG to get on in life even as a Fighter.
7) Gates are the only source of Sigil Stones, but those are a double-edged sword. They don't give you any chance to combine enchantments, even though they offer higher levels. Only an issue if you don't ignore the MQ.

My vote was for the MG recommendations, just because only mods can bypass the need to access altars at Arcane U. It would have been better if nothing was actually required, although one could argue that the game is playable without using enchanting or spell-making.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 am

If I have to do the rat quest for the fighters guild once more..
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:27 pm

Someone clearly didn't do the Fighter's Guild at all.

Well, since I'm the one that wrote the poll, let me assure you I've completed the FQ questline several times. :) Yes, it's a quote from the game and is meant as irony.

Wow, I thought this thread was dead. I do think the thing I hated about the CharGen dungeon, apart from all the dialogue I've memorized, are the popups. I could disable them, but then many mod quests use these popups to announce their start, etc. As it is, I just toggle through them quickly - if I start by using the CharGen dungeon.

I now use a mod that allows 50+ random or chosen start locations (and I'm working on adding another 50 more). Each game is completely different. Sometimes I start in a tavern; sometimes I'm on the top of a mountain. The worse cases are when I start deep in dungeon at level 1 and have to try and fight my way to safety. Ouch.

Interesting comments, though. :)

~ Dani ~
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:12 pm

Can I get a link to that alternate start mod you mentioned. Please and thanks :)
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:09 am

Can I get a link to that alternate start mod you mentioned. Please and thanks :)

Absolutely - I should have mentioned it. When I finally had enough of the CharGen dungeon, I tried a variety of start mods; this is - by far - my favorite. Make sure you read the readme, because it spells out some pretty vital info - like when you do finally leave the dungeon, you have a bounty on your head ('cause, you know, you're an escaped prisoner). Kinda cool ....

I'm working on a mod - I need to get Tungol's permission before release - that would expand the start points to over 100. You could start by dining at the King and Queen or working for the Countess in Chorrol. If I can get the scripts to work, the choice you make will determine what you get - how much money, armor, clothing, etc.

But, as it is, it's still pretty cool.

~ Dani ~
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:34 pm

The Mages' Guild reccomendation quests. I don't mine the Oblivion gates, but they get annoying after a while.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 am

Absolutely - I should have mentioned it. When I finally had enough of the CharGen dungeon, I tried a variety of start mods; this is - by far - my favorite. Make sure you read the readme, because it spells out some pretty vital info - like when you do finally leave the dungeon, you have a bounty on your head ('cause, you know, you're an escaped prisoner). Kinda cool ....

I'm working on a mod - I need to get Tungol's permission before release - that would expand the start points to over 100. You could start by dining at the King and Queen or working for the Countess in Chorrol. If I can get the scripts to work, the choice you make will determine what you get - how much money, armor, clothing, etc.

But, as it is, it's still pretty cool.

~ Dani ~

Thanks alot this sounds great. Don't worry I can take my own advice about readmes *refers to sig*. :P
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:20 pm

.... Don't worry I can take my own advice about readmes *refers to sig*. :P

Sorry. :) Missed that.

~ Dani ~
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brandon frier
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:28 pm

Even though you can complete the main quest without closing all the gates outside the cities the big battle outside Bruma is much easie if you do close them. I hate that part of the main quest, closing Oblivion gates.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:19 pm

I′m one of the 21 people who likes everything repetative and things considered stupid by most people in Oblivion. I′m easily satisfied
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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

I′m one of the 21 people who likes everything repetative and things considered stupid by most people in Oblivion. I′m easily satisfied

LOL. I actually end up restarting my games all the time - just to have experience of getting up off the ground again. Maybe that's why I find some of these things so ... familiar.

One thing: I don't dislike closing Oblivion gates. With mods, the drops are a bit more random and different. Exem's Runeskulls, for example. I want to collect the entire set, so I need to close as many gates as I can.

~ Dani ~
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:01 am

Well, I guess my opinion is pretty common... OBLIVION GATES ARE EVIL!!! Going through 3 is almost too much sometimes... (which is the min to complete the MQ, and probably why I've only accomplished that feat twice).
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:41 am

Mages Guild Recommendations.

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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:37 pm

i think creating the character should be faster so i just saved the game right at the end of the sewer so i can start a new character in about five minutes.

I did this the very first time I completed the dungeon. I've went through it a few more times sense for fun.

I enjoyed it all personally.
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