I tend to create a number of charcters and until I discovered mods, I had to crawl through the tutorial dungeon many, many times. Entire lines of dialog are burned into my brain. "It's you! The one from my dreams!" Or "Come closer, I prefer not have to shout." Now I use an alternative start mod that postpones the tutorial dungeon.
But as much as I am tired of the tutorial dungeon, I am freakin' annoyed to tears by the Mages Guild recommendation questline. I can't even bring myself to rush through them, and so my characters tend to wander a bit, aimless, until they finish them. I play by a rule that I cannot use any mod that adds spell/enchantment alters until I've completed the recommenation quests.
I still like the main quest, but delivering the amulet is getting old. I find I do the Kvatch quests a lot later, now that I play FCOM. Too hard to do it early.
Anyway ...
@ Arcadian: I have a different slightly different problem. I play the same characters: Nords/Bretons/Bosmers. I play the same classes: Shieldmaidens, Valkyries/Witches Gypses/Marksmen Warriors. I noticed this Spring that the game is feeling a little stale for me. I need something new ...
@ Zhar: I had the same feeling. I was like, okay, what next? So I delivered the Amulet. Then I started to Kvatch, but got distracted by the Killing Fields quest - which promptly killed me. Maybe I'm svcker for punishment, but from then on I was hooked.
@ schmoe: OMG, I forgot about the Gates ... added to list! I try to ignore them, to pretend I don't actually see them. Then the daedra pour out and start killing guards and I feel bad. Fine. Another gate to close.
@ Jon Jern: My admission - I've never actually completed either the Theives Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. Maybe once, a long time ago. Wow, I should actually create a character to do just that.
~ Dani ~
Edit: @ Tamalak. I love it! Or: "Everyone's talking about the Hero of Kvatch!" The first 200 times, it just kind of rolls off the tongue. Then it starts grating on my nerves.