Please ... don't make me do it again ...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

As I read another thread, it occurred to me this might make a good poll.

What moments in Oblivion have you been through soooo many times that if you have do them one more time, you might strangle something or someone. This applies to vanilla Oblivion, obviously, since mods make some of these selections unnecessary.

My choices: The CharGen Dungeon and those damn mages guild recommendation quests.

I never get tired of doing the main quest, but someone might ...

I can add more selections at your suggestion.


Nothing in this Poll should be taken as a criticism of Emperor Uriel Septim, Martin Septim, The Main Quest, Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda Softworks ... and so on. Yes, yes, Oblivion is still the greatest game ever.

Edited to allow multiple selections. Sorry.

Edited again to add an "I enjoy them all" alternative.

~ Dani ~ :)
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james kite
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 am

i think creating the character should be faster so i just saved the game right at the end of the sewer so i can start a new character in about five minutes.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:08 pm

i think creating the character should be faster so i just saved the game right at the end of the sewer so i can start a new character in about five minutes.

That is a good idea. Though the Tutorial Dungeon isn't boring for me yet.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:58 am

Despite having played a large number of characters, I wouldn't miss the tutorial dungeon and some of the other oft repeated things. They seem somehow fresh with each new character and really help me get 'into' the character. I know what you mean though, but perhaps I'm just wired differently, lol. I actually enjoy the 'comfortable' and familiar feeling of repeating many of the quests with different characters.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:04 am

personally the thing i wont miss is the first time i played the game and the feeling i got of overwhelming vastness that encompassed me when i left the sewers
i had never played a free roam game before and i seriously almost quit because i didnt know what to do
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

I don't hate the tutorial dungeon so much as the annoying tutorial pop-ups that comes with it. There should have been a vanilla option to turn them off. Also going through all that effort just to get access to enchanting and spellmaking does get to be much, when you're doing it. Thankfully I haven't restarted often enough yet to be totally annoyed by it.

The biggest annoyance I have are the random Oblivion gates that pop up all over the map, on my way to do other things. Quite often I wind up thinking, "If I have to yet do one more of these gates, I'm gonna freak!" I guess they are optional, but I must have some sort of OCD about them because I feel strongly obligated to close them when they show up. Especially when a gate pops up near a road.

If I ignore one and just finish my errand 4 more pop up, pretty much like a soliciting salesperson that just won't take a hint. I actually had 5 pop up on one of my errands with a current character and I got frustrated enough just to shut off the game and take a long break. I almost wanted to stop playing Oblivion altogether.

Edit: I know you can avoid the MQ if you just don't start it or if you just go straight through to the end, not doing anything else. But I want to do other things in between and that's hard to do when I'm constantly being reminded by non stop gate showing up. Having to be dedicated to one quest line until it's finished is not fun. A break is needed in between.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 am

I downloaded "Alternative start by ship" mod, where you start on a... Well, a ship. So I don't have to worry about that tutorial annoyance. For me, it was probably the introductory quest to the Thieves Guild. Jesus that was so annoying, so annoying I decided my most recent stealth character was going to be a freelance thief.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:04 am

I do still like the parts of the tutorial that you spend with Uriel and the blades, aswell as the part of the sewer at the end where you are by yourself, but dear GOD am I ever sick of the goblin and rat infested caves section.

Also with the exception of the rat quest for the fighters guild, all of the beginning quests bore the hell out of me.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:25 pm

Mages Guild Recommendations. Blah blah blah. The only fun and scary one is the one in Skingrad, at least for a low-level character. I too, save at the sewers. I've done the tutorial enough times, I'm done with that. Actually as I roleplay my mage, there are a fair number of quests that I do not do. So, that's how I avoid some oft repeated ones....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 am

I put off breaking the siege of Kvatch as long as I can. No, the quest isn't annoying, in fact it's rather intense and fun. But I just can't stand every 5th NPC going OMG TEH HERO OF KVATCH ITS YOU EVERYONE COME LOOK all over the [censored] WORLD, PERMANENTLY.
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

I tend to create a number of charcters and until I discovered mods, I had to crawl through the tutorial dungeon many, many times. Entire lines of dialog are burned into my brain. "It's you! The one from my dreams!" Or "Come closer, I prefer not have to shout." Now I use an alternative start mod that postpones the tutorial dungeon.

But as much as I am tired of the tutorial dungeon, I am freakin' annoyed to tears by the Mages Guild recommendation questline. I can't even bring myself to rush through them, and so my characters tend to wander a bit, aimless, until they finish them. I play by a rule that I cannot use any mod that adds spell/enchantment alters until I've completed the recommenation quests.

I still like the main quest, but delivering the amulet is getting old. I find I do the Kvatch quests a lot later, now that I play FCOM. Too hard to do it early.

Anyway ...

@ Arcadian: I have a different slightly different problem. I play the same characters: Nords/Bretons/Bosmers. I play the same classes: Shieldmaidens, Valkyries/Witches Gypses/Marksmen Warriors. I noticed this Spring that the game is feeling a little stale for me. I need something new ...

@ Zhar: I had the same feeling. I was like, okay, what next? So I delivered the Amulet. Then I started to Kvatch, but got distracted by the Killing Fields quest - which promptly killed me. Maybe I'm svcker for punishment, but from then on I was hooked.

@ schmoe: OMG, I forgot about the Gates ... added to list! I try to ignore them, to pretend I don't actually see them. Then the daedra pour out and start killing guards and I feel bad. Fine. Another gate to close.

@ Jon Jern: My admission - I've never actually completed either the Theives Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. Maybe once, a long time ago. Wow, I should actually create a character to do just that.

~ Dani ~ :)

Edit: @ Tamalak. I love it! Or: "Everyone's talking about the Hero of Kvatch!" The first 200 times, it just kind of rolls off the tongue. Then it starts grating on my nerves.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

Never finished the Rumare Slaughterfish quest. Took the job on my first play, but it ended with Aelwin's death. Second time I just laughed at him. Better to hurt his feelings rather than an "early retirement".

I can never do the FG quests again because of the incident with Hist Sap and goblins.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

For me, gotta be the mages guild and Thoronir in the IC. Both of those aggravate me to no end.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:36 pm

I had forgotten how long, tedious and pointless the Mage's Guild Recommendations quest was. It was fun at first but then... *Ugh*
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 am

I'm not actually bothered by any of these options, except the Oblivion gates perhaps. But this is only because I'm perfectionistic of sorts and feel the need to close all of them. At first, it's a pain how they pop up everywhere, just when I'm entering or leaving some dungeon, for instance. I then feel the need to stop what I was doing and to close that gate. And once I'm at 55ish, it becomes a pain to find the last few remaining.

But I have got a questline that I really loathe to repeat. This is Knights of the Nine. First of, it kills several priestesses and replaces them with ugly males in the same dresses. Second of, it curses my character with recognition lines done by the other NPCs "Hello, great Crusader! It is such an honor to see you in my shop!". Thirdly, it gets annoying when I return to my normal ways of accumulating loads of infamy after the end of this quest: I can't use the wayshrines anymore, and the NPC lines become even more annoying. Heck, I should just get rid of this mod... only I really like the books that it came with.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

All of the above.

Im sick of all quests, I mostly do my own thing.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 am

I cant stand the CharGen dungeon.
I know how the wield the blade, now let me go!

I also voted for the Oblivion Gates. I hate the Allies for Bruma quest, closing so many gates... so boring.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:36 pm

They could all get a bit repetitive.

But I have mod to skip the tutorial, and you can also save before leaving the sewers and never have to do that again even without mods.

BY FAR THE MOST HATED quest is the Unfriendly Competition quest. It is forced upon you, and I usually avoid Turtullian in Three Brothers for much of the game to skip the quest. Because most of my good characters feel obligated to do the quest once he asks for help. So I can't use him as a vendor until I do. And the quest is horrible. The storyline is okay, but when I'm standing outside (won't say where because of spoilers) waiting for hour upon hour of game time, I'm thinking to myself "did someone at Bethesda actually think this was going to be fun?!!??!"

Also saving a certain someone from being sacrificed by cultists is another quest with a good storyline, but is forced upon you and gets boring if done over and over with every character.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:29 pm

I actually enjoy the 'comfortable' and familiar feeling of repeating many of the quests with different characters.

Me too. The early, oft-repeated areas of most games are usually my favorite parts. I've actually been known to make a character specifically to run through the tutorial dungeon again. I find it relaxing.

I've never done this Mage recommendation thing that so many people dislike. And I've only done the main quest (and hence the Oblivion gates) once, four years ago, and don't remember it well enough to be annoyed about it. I'm having a hard time voting "yes" on any of these, lol.

Maybe I'm having memory problems but I don't recall killing any rats for the fighters guild.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 am

Mages Guild recommendations for me. Even characters that don't care about the Mages Guild but use magic have to enter the Arcane University. I usually console-complete these quests and get on with it.
I'm using Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and the Leyawiin recommendation is really hard if you aren't lvl 10+ and/or properly leveled up or specialized. So that's why sometimes I do the recommendations normally.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 am

...Maybe I'm having memory problems but I don't recall killing any rats for the fighters guild.

It's a reference to Morrowind. And an in-game joke. Can't say more unless this thread is moved from General to Cheats Hints and Spoilers.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 am

It's a reference to Morrowind. And an in-game joke.

Yes, I realize that. The poll seemed to be suggesting that killing rats is part of an Oblivion fighters guild quest. Possibly I'm reading the poll incorrectly...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:49 am

Yes, I realize that. The poll seemed to be suggesting that killing rats is part of an Oblivion fighters guild quest. Possibly I'm reading the poll incorrectly...

The first Fighters Guild Quest is to help someone with their "rat problems".

Only open if you've done that quest, and just want to refresh your memory.

You have to help Arvena Thelas in Oblivion. In Morrowind you have to kill them, in this one you have to actually save them, but from the mission briefing you are led to believe
that you are meant to kill them. Something like that, Its been ages since I've done it too, this is all I remember.

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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 am

Edited my votes with the new Oblivion gates option. Thanks Dani. :D
Yes, I realize that. The poll seemed to be suggesting that killing rats is part of an Oblivion fighters guild quest. Possibly I'm reading the poll incorrectly...

Well, that one FG quest can still be very annoying, having to keep an eye on the house for hours. Thankfully I never really bother with the FG anymore.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:09 am

Deliver the amulet. F**k I never asked to be a hero, let me live my life in peace godd***it :swear:

I never actually gave Jauffre the amulet. Still holding on to it and why not? Nothing has happened. No gates, no monsters no nothing. I say when something is fine, let it be.
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