Just curious, but what is this "Should" about?
The only obvious bait and switch pulled by Beth I can recall is the Orrery. Other than that, there is no "should," only "could."
I kind of just blurted that out. I didn't mean to imply that Bethesda purposely withheld that one just to make an extra penny. It's just that it's something so small. It's ultimately useless, yet still "useful". I'd use it if it was free, but it's not something I'd pay for. And I know that if they make horse armor DLC for Skyrim, the console users will certainly need to pay something for it. That means PC users will also need to pay for it because "it wouldn't be fair" to console users if we got it free. Does that make me sound selfish? Well, I guess I am being selfish, though I'd rather it just be free for everyone.
It just seems like the kind of thing that should be available without paying extra. If they don't make it at all, then I'm sure someone will mod it into the PC version. But that only helps PC users. They could toss it into one of the "bigger" DLC, and that would be better than what seems like an obvious cash-grab. I just don't want to see them selling such a simple thing on its own. But I'm sure there are people who want just the horse armor without the "bigger" DLC. Which leads us back to square one, just give it a price tag as a separate DLC and make an extra penny off of people willing to pay.
I'm just tired of seeing these "useless but desirable" DLC in so many games these days. I know of one company that has been selling, as DLC, things that used to be included in previous games in the series, as things you could collect as rewards for side-quests and such. What are these "things"? Alternate outfits. Yep. And to add insult to injury, those outfits actually do a bit more than just make your characters look different now. And you'd be paying more than twice the cost of the game itself if you want them all...
Bethesda has already said they won't be doing "money milking" DLC, but I can't help but worry about the future... Sorry for the rant.