I played Oblivion many, many years ago, but have somehow managed to purge what I learned about races/lore from my mind. I've recently started Skyrim, but have clearly just skimmed the surface. Really only enough to have built some respect for Orcs (thanks to a bit of research - a simple, proud, honest and value-driven race - as far as I can tell), a mild dislike for Khajit (the drug dealers of Skyrim, as far as I can tell) and a like for Imperials (though can't put my finger on why exactly) and a mixed feeling about the Nords (given the Stormcloak-link; I'm not a big fan of the Stormcloaks).
Now, I'll be the first to admit that my perceptions are not fact, and that opinions vary wildly as it relates to the various races - who they are, and what they stand for.
So I thought I'd seek input - on every one of them. Would like to hear from anyone willing to post about their perceptions of various races, and why you like (or dislike them). I'm really just keen to learn - will improve my immersion greatly. I also suspect that many others will benefit - as many new players won't be ES lore/race experts.
So - who (race-wise) do you like/dislike, and why?
And, for extra non-redeemable credit - can you tell me a bit more about Imperials in particular? Have found very little on them in my limited research? What do they stand for? What's their (brief) history?
Thanks in advance!!