For example, owning property. Instead of simply owning a shack in the middle of town, I would like to own a house with actual land. Like in Oblivion, some NPC's had a little vineyard or a small ranch – why not me, too? This could even be a method of income from producing crops, wine, cattle. The more you "farm", the better and more potent/higher yield your crop becomes. See where I'm going with this?
With the addition of a "Ranch House" capability comes a host of opportunities to receive/steal/buy items that can vastly improve on your land. Services, equipment, labor, land, capital, and well, you get the idea.
Invariably, your character becomes the guild master once you finish the quest line for that given guild, but why stop there? It seems the only thing you get is a sweet weapon/perk and a fancy title. Why not turn that into a profession and run a business somehow?
Any thoughts?