The problem would be that there are less types of spells you can select from the drop-down box in the spellcrafting tool...
Of course. The less clutter you have, the dumber it must be.
At the end of the day though, if its intuitive, they dont like it.
I like how no one has considered the VARIETY of spells you get, in exchange for casting ball A, which does X fire damage, and ball B, which does x/3 fire damage, and y lightning damage...
Now you can just put fire and lightning in either hand and throw them at the same time. Awe man, thats so "dumbed down". On top of being able to set a trap with either spell, cast a fire ball, flame thrower, lightning bolt all with the same 2 spells in hand.
Very dumb... You only have like 6 actions now with out having to change your spells out once. Very dumb indeed....
No one has stopped for 2 damn seconds to think that this is actually a SWEET new spell system. Its not the same old [censored] you've done forever.
Spell making wouldnt even make sense with this system. What are you gana do? Make a lighting ball flame thrower combo spell of doom? Go play magicka...