please explain how less weapon types, armor slots, no spellm

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:04 pm

removing birth signs and classes, may have something to do with the storyline. u are dragonborn.

Just....just no man
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:55 pm

All I see here is the fallacious hyperbole that RPGs are math oriented and hard to understand. You have to be extremely simple minded if you think anything about any TES was spreadsheety, complex, needed advanced calculus to understand etc. And no, If I had it my way, we'd have the deepest, feature rich game ever, but it wouldnt appeal the graphics hounds, or newbs.
Anybody who thinks this way, I doubt has ever even played a TES.

Of course that's all you see because your blind to the fact that the original concept behind TES is to bring real time action in a large believable world to an RPG. At it's inception it was more RPG than action solely because of technical limitations. You happen to fall in love with it's RPG side and as it's progressed toward a stronger more defined real time action game it has left you bitter and broken. You cling to the series because it still brings more to the table than any other RPG while all the time resenting it for moving away from what you want in an RPG. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but TES is not nor was it ever your perfect RPG. It is, always was and always will be a game that is built from the ground up with each iteration to get as close as it possibly can to the perfect Action/RPG.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:21 pm

Because its not small, its a corner stone of ES. Its a feature that made ES stick out from its contemporaries. I can think up and create new RPs all the time just from SC. It allows almost limitless possibilities. Some of my favorite RPs wouldnt even be possible without SC. Its the equivalent of getting rid of enchanting, although worse IMO.

It may be a cornerstone to you, but there are plenty of people that use characters that use no magic whatsoever. You have to understand that TES is not just being made for you. They have to give a little bit toeveryone, sometimes they have to favor one crowd over another, but I don't even think thats what they've done with skyrim(from what I've seen). I mean placing spell traps, continuous destruction spells, charge up spells, duel wielding spells, this is all pretty revolutionary stuff for TES. The fact of the matter is, to expect Bethesda to cater to everyone's complaints and desires for the past and future games is just ludicrous, and it will never happen. In every game there will be something you aren't satisfied with, and if this is really a make it or break thing for this game, than don't buy it(not to mention it isn't a definite no on SC anyway). If it ends up not being in the game, than please post on bethesda forums and please send emails to bethesda noting your desire for the return of SC, because if it isn't in there I will be a little disappointed as well.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:08 pm

All I see here is the fallacious hyperbole that RPGs are math oriented and hard to understand.

RPGs are math oriented, and they're full of spreadsheets too... just go look at a wikipedia for any RPG of your choice and look up stuff like level progression or skills and abilities or even stuff like crafting. It's all based on math... I would prefer to play games where the math is kept in the background and I spend more time immersed in the game. If I have to choose between spending time OOC creating a spell with a list of variables, or just having an even larger selection of actual spells in the game (the kinds with different names, animations, and effects that the developers specifically make unique), then I'm easily choosing the latter. Compared to however it "could have been" with spellcrafting, it's still obvious the actual spell selection is going to be way better in Skyrim than it was in Oblivion.
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:52 pm

Of course that's all you see because your blind to the fact that the original concept behind TES is to bring real time action in a large believable world to an RPG. At it's inception it was more RPG than action solely because of technical limitations. You happen to fall in love with it's RPG side and as it's progressed toward a stronger more defined real time action game it has left you bitter and broken. You cling to the series because it still brings more to the table than any other RPG while all the time resenting it for moving away from what you want in an RPG. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but TES is not nor was it ever your perfect RPG. It is, always was and always will be a game that is built from the ground up with each iteration to get as close as it possibly can to the perfect Action/RPG.

ES would be better with more features, not less. Thats a fact.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:25 pm

ES would be better with more features, not less. Thats a fact.

Hey just read something in G4TV interview. It was kinda vague, but if the interviewer didn't totally fail at understanding Todd Howard, than there is a SC system, and it involves using Soul Gems to create spells, or he may have just misinterpreted what enchantments are.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:25 am

Its not hyperbole Xarnac, we all know you love math. Quick: whats 87x735?

Oblivions major problem was the focus on numbers. Whether it was wise to keep doing what you would normally want to do out of fear of accidentally leveling up.

I know you hate that game and would prefer if everything in life was morrowind, but thats the last game we're building off of.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:21 am

RPGs are math oriented, and they're full of spreadsheets too... just go look at a wikipedia for any RPG of your choice and look up stuff like level progression or skills and abilities or even stuff like crafting. It's all based on math... I would prefer to play games where the math is kept in the background and I spend more time immersed in the game. If I have to choose between spending time OOC creating a spell with a list of variables, or just having an even larger selection of actual spells in the game (the kinds with different names, animations, and effects that the developers specifically make unique), then I'm easily choosing the latter. Compared to however it "could have been" with spellcrafting, it's still obvious the actual spell selection is going to be way better in Skyrim than it was in Oblivion.

Mathematics are an immutable part of all video games, with RPGs it is just much more so. And if you aren't good at math then maybe you'd prefer an action/adventure title. Would you like them to remove all that pesky reading too?
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:03 am

It may be a cornerstone to you, but there are plenty of people that use characters that use no magic whatsoever. You have to understand that TES is not just being made for you. They have to give a little bit toeveryone, sometimes they have to favor one crowd over another, but I don't even think thats what they've done with skyrim(from what I've seen). I mean placing spell traps, continuous destruction spells, charge up spells, duel wielding spells, this is all pretty revolutionary stuff for TES. The fact of the matter is, to expect Bethesda to cater to everyone's complaints and desires for the past and future games is just ludicrous, and it will never happen. In every game there will be something you aren't satisfied with, and if this is really a make it or break thing for this game, than don't buy it(not to mention it isn't a definite no on SC anyway). If it ends up not being in the game, than please post on bethesda forums and please send emails to bethesda noting your desire for the return of SC, because if it isn't in there I will be a little disappointed as well.

If you only played like this, or like that, then you didnt get everything out of ES and the "I didn use it, lets get rid of it" argument is invalid. Adding it doesnt remove anything from people that dont want to use magic at all.

RPGs are math oriented, and they're full of spreadsheets too... just go look at a wikipedia for any RPG of your choice and look up stuff like level progression or skills and abilities or even stuff like crafting. It's all based on math... I would prefer to play games where the math is kept in the background and I spend more time immersed in the game. If I have to choose between spending time OOC creating a spell with a list of variables, or just having an even larger selection of actual spells in the game (the kinds with different names, animations, and effects that the developers specifically make unique), then I'm easily choosing the latter. Compared to however it "could have been" with spellcrafting, it's still obvious the actual spell selection is going to be way better in Skyrim than it was in Oblivion.

Not really. If anybody thought the math was too complicated in a ES game, then they need to go back to school. It doesnt matter what effects they have in Skyrim ( they already wasted one spell on the newbtastic clairvoyance), spell creation>not having spell creation.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:10 pm

RPGs are math oriented, and they're full of spreadsheets too... just go look at a wikipedia for any RPG of your choice and look up stuff like level progression or skills and abilities or even stuff like crafting. It's all based on math... I would prefer to play games where the math is kept in the background and I spend more time immersed in the game. If I have to choose between spending time OOC creating a spell with a list of variables, or just having an even larger selection of actual spells in the game (the kinds with different names, animations, and effects that the developers specifically make unique), then I'm easily choosing the latter. Compared to however it "could have been" with spellcrafting, it's still obvious the actual spell selection is going to be way better in Skyrim than it was in Oblivion.

Why does spellcrating and variety have to be mutually exclusive? Crafting can work the same even with Glyphs, Cones, AoE, Touch, and target spells, while preserving the unique animations of each.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:56 pm

If you only played like this, or like that, then you didnt get everything out of ES and the "I didn use it, lets get rid of it" argument is invalid. Adding it doesnt remove anything from people that dont want to use magic at all.

Thats not the argument I'm trying to make. What I'm saying is that they would have to completely overhaul the SC system because of all the different things you can do with one spell. If you were to put fire and lightning together into one spell, than they have to set up a system that allows you to dictate which one that you want to cast, which would only become even more complex if you added frost as well as paralyze, frenzy, etc.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:50 am

ES would be better with more features, not less. Thats a fact.

It really depends on the feature. I can think of dozens of things they could add to Skyrim that would completely ruin it :P

Not really. If anybody thought the math was too complicated in a ES game, then they need to go back to school. It doesnt matter what effects they have in Skyrim ( they already wasted one spell on the newbtastic clairvoyance), spell creation>not having spell creation.

I never said the math was too complicated. It's very easy to figure out, so much so that it becomes obvious very quickly the ways in which you can exploit the system. I don't want to see Skryim have the same sorts of exploits that existed in Morrowind and Oblivion :thumbsdown:
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:51 am

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:51 am

Thats not the argument I'm trying to make. What I'm saying is that they would have to completely overhaul the SC system because of all the different things you can do with one spell. If you were to put fire and lightning together into one spell, than they have to set up a system that allows you to dictate which one that you want to cast, which would only become even more complex if you added frost as well as paralyze, frenzy, etc.

And thats a good thing. Lets be honest, magic in all TES games has had more to it than just 'Warrior' of 'thief' skills/abilities. If the only thing about Skyrim that is better than previous games is the graphics then it wont matter. If people want a linear experience they can go play an action game. Since the animations and effects aren't mutually exclusive, then there no reason not to have SC. Honestly I dont see why others care how others play their game. If you dont want to use it, which you obviously dont, then why do you care if I do?

It really depends on the feature. I can think of dozens of things they could add to Skyrim that would completely ruin it :P

I never said the math was too complicated. It's very easy to figure out, so much so that it becomes obvious very quickly the ways in which you can exploit the system. I don't want to see Skryim have the same sorts of exploits that existed in Morrowind and Oblivion :thumbsdown:

Have some self control? Whats keeping you from turning the difficulty slider all the way to the left and one hitting everything? A few menus? Yeah, thats way less than anything it takes to exploit other aspects of the game.

Honestly, its just blind fanboyism that will defend anything Beth does. Nobody complained about SC before Todd's "spreadsheety" comment. The real fan boys (as in true fans of the series)are the ones that care about the series and want it to be the best it can be for everybody, like me.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:15 am

Easy fix:

Make SC have a feature that dictates the leading effect, on which all other effects ride. Fire as a lead effect? Every other effect coupled with it will travel with the fire ball, be spurted out like a flamethrower, etc. If certain effects can be combined, combine them in SC menu and set the new lead effect.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:05 am

Easy fix:

Make SC have a feature that dictates the leading effect, on which all other effects ride. Fire as a lead effect? Every other effect coupled with it will travel with the fire ball, be spurted out like a flamethrower, etc. If certain effects can be combined, combine them in SC menu and set the new lead effect.

That is precisely how it worked before.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:14 pm

Like it or not, TES franchise is becoming less niche with every new title and becoming more of 'an adventure game' as opposed to a classic RPG.

I predict stunning graphics / detail levels and watered down gameplay for all future games, not just TES.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:18 pm

Honestly, its just blind fanboyism that will defend anything Beth does. Nobody complained about SC before Todd's "spreadsheety" comment. The real fan boys (as in true fans of the series)are the ones that care about the series and want it to be the best it can be for everybody, like me.

This fanboyism talk is getting old.
Everybody wants this game to be what they want. I want what's best for the series on a developer point of view, you want it on a consumer point of view.
While I agree that I would love spell crafting to be in, they simply don't have the time nor resources.
Like i said earlier, I'd love if we had what is in skyrim, with an improved spell creation.
I think overhauling the spells is the step for skyrim, and the overhaul of creation is for the next game.

And once again, stop with the fanboyism comments. It's such a loose piece of jargon that it holds no real validity.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:08 pm

Easy fix:

Make SC have a feature that dictates the leading effect, on which all other effects ride. Fire as a lead effect? Every other effect coupled with it will travel with the fire ball, be spurted out like a flamethrower, etc. If certain effects can be combined, combine them in SC menu and set the new lead effect.

This would work, I also proposed that custom spells, regardless of effect(s) require two hands to wield. You could give this an overarching default animation that turns into your custom spell when cast, regardless of delivery method. Although a lot of people dont know that in OB you could effect animations more than just whats cast/hits the target, you could mess with "Auras" to no end, making some seriously wicked looking custom spells.

This fanboyism talk is getting old.
Everybody wants this game to be what they want. I want what's best for the series on a developer point of view, you want it on a consumer point of view.
While I agree that I would love spell crafting to be in, they simply don't have the time nor resources.
Like i said earlier, I'd love if we had what is in skyrim, with an improved spell creation.
I think overhauling the spells is the step for skyrim, and the overhaul of creation is for the next game.

And once again, stop with the fanboyism comments. It's such a loose piece of jargon that it holds no real validity.

They dont have the resources, but a bunch of guys (heroes) in basemants across the world will make a spell creation mod within a few months (hopfully). Though this does absolutely nothing for the console brothers. I am one, but Skyrim is driving me to make a PC.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:19 pm

Well, personally I think you should only get to choose your difficulty at the beginning of the game and that's what you get. I always leave it on default and just ignore it. But anyways, I do exercise self control when I play, a lot of it in fact because otherwise if I let myself exploit various gameplay mechanics it would basically be like playing with a game genie on. Unlike a lot of people who I've noticed seem to reroll a lot of new characters a lot, I generally only do a couple playthroughs of these games, and they're really long ones. Once you get to a certain point the game becomes so easy there's there's literally no challenge anymore, it's just basically about finishing up the quests. I really dislike that, I want to actually be challenged at my 200th hour of gameplay and feel like I still have to put some effort into it. If the game lets me become powerful to the point of one-hit killing everything then it just ceases to feel realistic or immersive at all. I don't want to have to force restrictions on the way I let myself play the game to keep it interesting, just because someone else wants there to be an easy-mode button.

Honestly, its just blind fanboyism that will defend anything Beth does. Nobody complained about SC before Todd's "spreadsheety" comment.

I decided I disliked spellcrafting and intentionally did several long playthroughs without it way before they announced Skyrim :P
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:10 pm

Games development... doesn't work that way.

If you want ten year-old graphics/animation systems with a huge amount of content built on it, stick with Morrowind (there are a lot of people still modding and playing it).

But if you want all the new flashy stuff -- the stuff that takes huge teams of professional artists and programmers years to create -- then you're going to have to compromise.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:18 pm

That is precisely how it worked before.

You could combine spell effects to create new ones before? Where?

I also proposed that custom spells, regardless of effect(s) require two hands to wield.

I like this idea, though honestly I think it would be better if spells went from being one handed to two handed depending on how many effects you have. For instance, if I want to just sit and create a steam spell, I should be able to just combine fire and ice and have it in one hand. If I had to use such a spell in two hands, why even bother creating it if I can just combine the two normal effects themselves in my hands? But if I add lightning or poison to that mix then it should definitely go two handed.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:57 pm


Sure, I love the idea of dual wielding combat. And the (unconfirmed) ideas for the smithing skill sounds like it could be the coolest thing to happen to TES. But how can you justify adding that by taking away features that were already in place??

The explanations of time or technical limitations just don't make sense. How much time would it take when you had it in a previous game?? And it was possible on the original xbox but not the 360?

Or that these and other features were broken... its a single player game!

Could you imagine if Beth had only EXPANDED and improved upon the TES games since morrowind, instead of "streamlining" (dumbing down) them??


Less CORE weapon types. We make our own variations. So more weapon types. And more armour. And I read one interview where they said that soul gems could be used to make your own weapons - since when has spellmaking been confirmed not in the game ? And the probably merged armour slots to make it so that smiths didn't have to make pouldrons, greaves, chest plate and all the other stuff - they could just make the basic armour.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:11 am

You could combine spell effects to create new ones before? Where?

I like this idea, though honestly I think it would be better if spells went from being one handed to two handed depending on how many effects you have. For instance, if I want to just sit and create a steam spell, I should be able to just combine fire and ice and have it in one hand. If I had to use such a spell in two hands, why even bother creating it if I can just combine the two normal effects themselves in my hands? But if I add lightning or poison to that mix then it should definitely go two handed.

I was just going for simplicity and "balance", but yeah, the deeper the better IMO, if it has reason.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:35 pm

As long as it requires spreadsheets im fine with whatever
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