please explain how less weapon types, armor slots, no spellm

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:03 pm

They dont have the resources, but a bunch of guys (heroes) in basemants across the world will make a spell creation mod within a few months (hopfully). Though this does absolutely nothing for the console brothers. I am one, but Skyrim is driving me to make a PC.

This just shows your lack of knowledge and sheer ignorance to game development.
Now you just come off as a whiny child.
You want, want, and want and refuse to learn the effort it takes to grant what you want.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:09 pm

This just shows your lack of knowledge and sheer ignorance to game development.
Now you just come off as a whiny child.

Yet everything I said was true. Id take a delay for SC. Vanilla ES is that important to me. I "want" for all. If you dont use this or that today, maybe you will tomorrow. Maybe you'll want to expand your gameplay outside of your comfort zone, or just go willy nilly in character creation. I want it for everybody, since everybody can use it. How you use it is up to you. I've found a use for every mechanic in every TES game, no matter how mundane it was (including horse armor).
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:42 pm

Yet everything I said was true. Id take a delay for SC. Vanilla ES is that important to me.

Honestly I wouldn't mind it delayed 6 months if these features got added either.
But they have a deadline, time is money, and all that fun corporate stuff.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:37 pm

You could combine spell effects to create new ones before? Where?

Well you could combine spell effects, I guess I misunderstand what you said. My apologies.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:48 pm

Games development... doesn't work that way.

If you want ten year-old graphics/animation systems with a huge amount of content built on it, stick with Morrowind (there are a lot of people still modding and playing it).

But if you want all the new flashy stuff -- the stuff that takes huge teams of professional artists and programmers years to create -- then you're going to have to compromise.

Some people don't want the new flashy stuff. Some, like XTC, wants it to have every possible RPG mechanic at the cost of graphics and balance. They want Daggerfall.

Me? I used to love RPGs(party based, number crunchers) AND Action games(3d, jump, climb, explore, solve puzzles) I fell in love with Morrowind not because it was the best RPG ever but because it presented an RPG to me with real time interaction. I've been hooked ever since. All other games in both the pure action and pure RPG genres all looked like crap to me after MW. OB and FO3 were increasingly better at this and so it's only been good for me. Everything I've seen about Skyrim tells me the ride is getter smoother and more refined and closer to the ideal marriage of real time interaction and stat based character progression.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:01 am

Spell creation>combining a spell to both hands and feet for that matter.

You know you have my vote on this, Xarnac.

Of course, there are some here who feel that is exactly the reason it needs removing. There are some here who believe unless your character is still struggling to survive fights with goblins when he or she is at level 39 and a master of several disciplines, then you aren't playing the game correctly. . . or else the game is broken. In fact, there are some here who believe your character should be too damned dumb to master more than one or two things at a time anyway. Just who the hell do you think you are, some kind of chosen, supernatural hero???

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Eliza Potter
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:02 pm

Well one thing is we dont want every aspect from previous games, we just want the ones that allow the most diversity. I dont think you would have to make it look like Daggerfall to have a game for the 360 that didnt have celled cities (allowing climbing/levitation). Or a deep SC system, more content type etc. You'd just take a hit in the polygons and textures for sure, but I think they could do it on a OB+ type engine.

Are there a lot of feature in ES games? Definitely, and the majority of people dont do everything in every game, but it should always be there if you decide you want to. ES games aren't just one game, they are many, many games, an almost limitless medium for RPing.

Of course I like graphics and the flashy stuff and Im sure when I do make the actual Dragonborn it'll be great, but ES was always great becasue you could make anybody/thing. A whole stable of characters that were totaly different from strategy to physical makeup etc. A lot of RPGs do the big three, the sweet six, or the noxious nine, but ES characters are on a tabletop level.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:08 pm

Personally I loathed spell creation, I felt like it cheapened the spells that were already in the game and so on my "serious" playthroughs I intentionally never used it. What's the point of buying any spells from the NPCs at all, when you can easily make better and more efficient ones with little effort? .

It cheapened the spells in the game because most of them were pure bull manure! Lol. :thumbsdown:

Also, you couldn't make spells until you were admitted to The Arcane University, which required a lot of time working around mages. You could not make extremely powerful spells until you had gained the appropriate understanding/level in a given area of Magic, and until such a time as you were able to make the uber spells, the sells for sale from other mages were very convenient. They were also important if you ROLEPLAYED as a character with some minor talent for magic, but no real desire to become a full fledged mage and join their guilds.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:19 pm

I never felt like level scaling made the vanilla spells bad... my most recent playthrough of unmodded Oblivion I played all the way to the end game (300 hour file) using only vanilla spells the whole time, and they felt more than powerful enough, I never needed anything stronger.

While you could argue that I should just not use a game mechanic that I feel is OP, when there are so many of them in a game (not only spell creation, but also stuff like 100% chameleon, 100% physical damage reflection, and others) it reaches a breaking point. How much of the game should I have to restrict myself from in order to experience balanced gameplay? IMO the correct answer is "none"... if they were to bring back spell creation I would think it would need to be thoroughly reviewed and tested for balance

You have to put a great deal of effort into your skill as a mage before you can even create spells for 100% chameleon or shield, and even then they don't last indefinitely. What are you suggesting? That even the most powerful wizards in the game world should not be able to come up with spells that make them temporarily invisible or temporarily immune to weapon damage?

Now do I think such shield and reflecting spells should require some accurate timing and have very limited duration, sure. But to say, no character ever should be able to make or cast one no matter how powerful and skilled an Alteration mage they are is silly. It would mean breaking the roleplaying ability to keep from breaking the game. . . except that if you break the roleplay immersion, you break the game anyway.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:50 pm

There are some here who believe unless your character is still struggling to survive fights with goblins when he or she is at level 39 and a master of several disciplines, then you aren't playing the game correctly. . . or else the game is broken.

If the game is going to let me one hit kill everything once I reach a certain level, then I'm going to think that the gameplay mechanics that let me do that are broken.

What are you suggesting? That even the most powerful wizards in the game world should not be able to come up with spells that make them temporarily invisible or temporarily immune to weapon damage?

Of course not, there still needs to be a sense of progression as you level up and you need to feel really powerful when you reach the maximum level of a magic skill. All I'm saying is that I want them to balance it so that I don't become god-like powerful, I don't want to walk around Skyrim knowing I'm 100% safe if I want to be... where's the fun in that? I want the combat to have challenges for me for as long as my playthrough lasts.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:51 pm

Just answering the topic: Because it also plays out good.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:09 pm

k lets clear a few things up

its Spells. not spell effects, Glyphs, Flamethrower, and traps arent effects they are spell cast know like AOE. Firedamage is a spell effect and has several casting types, so does Ice damage and lightning, Fury, detect life, rage/fury, circle of protection or turn undead are spell EFFECTS.......85 spells with several casting types sound far more plausible then 85 spell effects, because in that case there would be no problem with spell creation.

vanilla spells in Oblivion and Morrowind were very very Poor I.E svckED., and due to Level scaling got worthless as you got stronger, THAT results in a clutter spell book full of useless spells, not spell creation, and woe is the idiot that makes an OP spell and then complains on the forum that the game is too easy because they made an OP spell and by damn if thats the reason there is no Spell creation I will have lost all faith in the Human population that plays games

There is absolutely no reason impassable that says Spell creation cannot exist in Skyrim because of the new spell system

Sticks with different models and names do not = more weapon variety ala Oblivion, there was virtually no significant difference. how anyone can say different modeled sticks are better than those weapons, variations of Short swords/blades longswords/Hybrids Claymores, Crossbows, spears, et al has a problem or is just plan disagreeing to disagree.

The next millenium isnt exlcusive to Glowing shiny golden sparkling piles of Crap (no I did not say Skyrim is that) there is only so much use to flashy sparking things for individuals with ADD, when you start to play, there isnt much to play.

When you people stop defending every freaking descision Beth makes without Rational maybe, just maybe they'll get things right. and don't give me that crap about they aren't making the game for me, Im apart of the damn 5 million copies sold that helped float bethesda to this day, I expect something BETTER than Oblivion by all accounts period.

this entire thread is a text book example of bashing people for their opinions case ended and a whole lot of people saying Skyrim will be this and that and that they are right and everyone else is wrong when no one even Fuzzing played the game yet.......for real people?.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:22 pm

Well spellmaking hasn't been confirmed out yet, and neither has less armor slots (I doubt cuirass and grieves were combined). I will agree that streamlining is terrible no matter how you cut it.

In the demo you can see the legs folded under the chest peice as its an item it appears the same version as fallout, folded up over it's self. Sorry.
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Beat freak
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:02 pm

If the game is ready it would cost them potentially millions of dollars in sales by missing the holiday season. I just don't see a delay happening. The game was very far along when it was announced.
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