» Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:20 am
Well, you need a better name than Jonathanland. That's as bad as Turkmenistan. That guy's a nutcase.
I want to make Corgiland, a minarchist country that loves and appreciates corgis. :teehee:
But, I had fun filling out the survey. Sometimes I picked "Neutral" but what I really wanted to say is that the premise was flawed (i.e. I would overhaul the entire K-12 concept, where the question was asking about K-12 mandatory attendence), or that my answer (agree/disagree) would depend on context. Sometimes I voted Neutral when I just didn't really have an opinion. For some questions, I wish there was a box that I could elaborate my reasoning in, so that incorrect inferences wouldn't be drawn from my answer.