Please fix all the Multiplayer BUGS!!!

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:26 am

I'm having so many issues with Multiplayer I've given up completely. First bug I encountered back when I was rank 9 I left a session and de-ranked to 8!!! WTF is that seriously? Second Bug and this one really takes the cake is everything I have unlocked keeps reseting at rank 16. I'm given back the weapon and attachment unlocks every time it resets which wipes the skill aquisitions completely for that said item. Whats even more hilarious is that even when the said weapons and attachments reset I can still use them without unlocking them! Only problem with that is I cannot unlock attachments for said weapons that keep reseting my progress! Oh and with everything I just said to add more insult to an already big joke is my rank 16 exp keeps reseting back to a previous session whenever i leave a session!! WTF!

Crytek get your **** together!! I've never seen so many bugs in one game. I'm beginning to think you guys should of stuck with the PC. Seems you guys couldn't handle a multiplatform release hence all the massive bugs. Mutliplayer is completely unplayable for me which is sad cause I actually kind of enjoy it (assault/capture the relay) are the ones I enjoy the most.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:39 am

Just to add If anyone else is experiencing the same problems as me can you please post in this thread. Also if there's a workaround for this can you please explain. thanks
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:41 am

I am having the same issue with all of my unlocks. I choose to unlock them, then after i return to the unlock menu it says they are not unlocked when they are obviously already on the kit and ready to use. I can use them in game, but none of the stats save or count. I can reunlock them all i want but it doesnt matter because the score/kill stats aren't saved.

As far as the game, it is amazing. Love the rest of the multiplayer. Good work on the game I just hope you can work out a few of the hiccups.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:07 am

I am having the same issue with all of my unlocks. I choose to unlock them, then after i return to the unlock menu it says they are not unlocked when they are obviously already on the kit and ready to use. I can use them in game, but none of the stats save or count. I can reunlock them all i want but it doesnt matter because the score/kill stats aren't saved.

As far as the game, it is amazing. Love the rest of the multiplayer. Good work on the game I just hope you can work out a few of the hiccups.

Thanks for posting glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing these problems every time I log in. It's so frustrating to deal with I've given up
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JR Cash
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:30 am

Bump for great justice!
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:03 pm

Atleast you guys can get into the multiplayer, since day one.. zero servers showing for me, firewall/NAT and everything's how it supposed to be. :\
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Alexis Estrada
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