Please Fix Companion Bugs, Obsidian.

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:54 pm

I recently started New Vegas again because I literally wanted a complete, 100% mastered run-through..that's perks, quests, skills, etc.. However - this is the good part - I really wanted to play Old World Blues, so I rushed to Dead Money first, but when I completed it (37 Gold Bars 'n all) I thought I might tighten up some lose ends.. So, I went back to the Mojave (like you do) and got my buddy Raul with the Enclave armor so's I don't gotta look at his face, and I go to find Loyal, but he's GONE. Just, up and walked away from the Boomers. Now, I can't really understand why an important character who belongs in more than 1 quest line would vanish like that - probably to get away from people like my dumb ass, that's questionable, but besides the point. So I can't turn my boy into a Gunslinger like his compadre's, so, I'm hoping that you'll consider patching Loyal so that after Volare! HE'S STATIONARY..! Hell, have him up on the scaffolding (as I was lead under the false impression that he was ALWAYS there after Volare! but, like everything in my new start to things, nothing is ever quite as it seems [sad face]), and then at nights he could return to his bunker for a little nappy-nap.

But wait, would you like to know more? I go up to the moutains, letting Raul go as a free child, you know..rot in his shack, basically..and visit some Nightkin's, and you know, they're a cool bunch 'n all, but Lilly's where my business is at, and OH who would of thought..she's GONE. No where to be found, and this is after Dead Money BTW; I remember seeing her before that doing 'Guess Who I Saw Today'..and now I know why, apparently the diva's never there. I suppose that serves me right because I honestly couldn't be bothered to take her up at the time.

Still, I would like to see major fixes to the game, companions however, are a top priority in my point of view. So if you could get that done for us, it would make many'a people smile :) i.e me. Although I haven't had any other problems with my companions, besides the above less you forget..I'm sure there are more. In the future - soonish, you developers there in Obsidian have a brain fart of fixes for companions in New Vegas, because honestly, the companions in this game have the most immersive, intricate and in-depth backgrounds that any other characters in any other game I've ever played. Real talk.
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kelly thomson
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