Duly noted. I don't really use chems at all anyway. I pop some graqe mentats when I'm making the rounds to all of the merchants to offload my huge excess of purified water, but that's basically it.
For the most part I prefer sniping outside of VATS too. I'm a huge FPS fan aside from games like Fallout, and I've gotta say that the first person was done well in FO4.
I know the feeling. I went to Covenant a couple days ago for the first time and part of the Human Error quest involved me picking an unfriendly lock. I had to send Codsworth outside the gate while I did it because I got a "Codsworth hated that" notification after doing it the first time. Luckily I quicksaved right before doing it because I'd anticipated this happening. I'm currently trying to max out his affinity for me, so I really don't want that kind of setback.