PLEASE help me, not again - a 100% reproducable CTD with a f

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:10 am

There are 3 scripts in the Berker′s Rage power, and I don′t know yet why they would crash the game.

This should be investigated further, as it′s actually the COBL.esm itself with the script(s) causing the crash.

Will take a look into it, it may have been reported in older Cobl Races thread it was just never fixed, and since I am part of Cobl Team and do work on races

now it the time to get it fixed once again..
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:41 am

Are you using Cobl Racial Power Exhaustion?

Kuertee and I went over this issue several times - I can't recall exactly where the discussion of it was at but there might be some in

My memory is vague but it had to do with extra wounding and power exhaustion.

I stopped using power exhaustion because of the issue. Kuertee made a kind of work around plugin for MMM found in his - described as:

So my memory is fuzzy on it but as I recall it had to do with MMM setting the health too low and if the character had power exhaustion then they spammed berserk and on the third cast ctd every time.

I have his plugin still in my FCOM load order even though I don't have the main battle fatigues mod installed anymore - it is mergeable into bash and has only Oblivon.esm as master. It really ought to be an optional esp for MMM.

Ah, that sounds exactly like my issue!

Great then, I′ll try disabling the option in Bash! Yay! :celebration:


I already tried fiddling with the scripts, so even though I have the easy option to just disable the feature in Bash, I′ll see if my edits actually fixed the issue. If they did, I′ll post the edited scripts.

My edits considered only how the potions are added to the NPC, and how they are removed, nothing fancy, so it′s an easy fix if it actually helps.

EDIT: Nope sorry, insta crash. So it′s not about making sure the potions are given correctly, or removed only if enough frames have passed after adding them.

Gona try removing the power exhaustion via bash settings now.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:24 pm

I edited my post above to add a few details. I've a bad habit of rethinking/editing my posts as soon as I put them up.

Using Kuertee's plugin I never see health drained NPCs - where their health is constantly leaking out.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:15 am


I already tried fiddling with the scripts, so even though I have the easy option to just disable the feature in Bash, I′ll see if my edits actually fixed the issue. If they did, I′ll post the edited scripts.

My edits considered only how the potions are added to the NPC, and how they are removed, nothing fancy, so it′s an easy fix if it actually helps.

It is me or does this not look right the script itself in Cobl.esm

Scn cobBalOrcRageMS1

ref me

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set me to getself
me.say Powerattack
;me.pms cobBalDetectDetection1SH 2 < - notice the ; in front which ignores this part if I am correct

scripting is not my area once again..
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:45 am

I edited my post above to add a few details. I've a bad habit of rethinking/editing my posts as soon as I put them up.

Using Kuertee's plugin I never see health drained NPCs - where their health is constantly leaking out.

I wonfer if that could be behind the issues I've been haveing with Companions... :huh:
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Mel E
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:18 am

It is me or does this not look right the script itself in Cobl.esm

Scn cobBalOrcRageMS1

ref me

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set me to getself
me.say Powerattack
;me.pms cobBalDetectDetection1SH 2 < - notice the ; in front which ignores this part if I am correct

scripting is not my area once again..

It′s commented out, yes, so it doesn′t do anything.

But while I′m not 100%, I think pms stands from "playmagicshader" or similar command, so it′s just skipping a visual effect.

Check out the other script effects, they add two different potions (named something like cobBalOrcPotion and cobBalOrcPotion2), and equip them. Equipping potion most likely simply means the NPC is forced to drink the potion.

The potion ITEM scripts themself contain "removeme" command, nothing else. This alarmed me at first, but it′s running only in Menumode (I assume it′s for making sure the potion, if unused, is removed if player checks the NPCs inventory).

My CTDs happened in GameMode, so it′s not the ITEM script. The potions effects have no scripts. But they have those drain effects, and it′s possible these are causing some OTHER script to crash the game - like Psymon′s post suggests.

(I just rebuilt my patch, so soon I′ll know if disabling Power Exhaustion fixes the crash)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:50 am

Double posting cause here′s the final solution:

I disabled the Power Exhaustion from Bash settings, and

-the Barbarians stopped spamming the spell

-the game didn′t crash even when I

1. Modified their health via console to trigger casting the buffs (they casted once and everything was ok)

2. Fought them and killed them twice.

So it′s the Power exhaustion indeed that′s causing it, just like Psymon said - or a conflict with Power Exhaustion and MMM. I guess me saying anything more would be just guessing, as I know nothing about the inner workings of the two.

But at least I can say - I finally have a stable game! :woot:
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:34 am

I believe it has to do with the MMM Extra Wounding plugin and COBL exhaustion (or even regular power exhaustion), which is why Kuertee made that plugin.

I can't vouch 100% this is the issue for as soon as posted the above I realized that just last night I had seen bloody guards walking down the street in chorrol. I use and see the:
29: Mart's Monster Mod.esm: Blood No Wounding Token: 080182B4 x 1
30: Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp: Process Token: 5A00BCC3 x 1
present on the NPCs - and they were falling down bloody even when using kuertee plugin kuertee MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp active. So I'm not sure it always works either, but will keep it in (it does have the MMM.esm as a master) even so.

I just ran a playthrough of the same area and no blood when extra wounding disabled.

In testing nGCD I noticed this happening and the blood did not appear until my character went into stealth mode - not sure why that would trigger it. In fact it was comical - my character just hunched down and three guards fell down - a few more hunches and they were in pain. Talk about power.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am

Eheh I said I suspected the orc barbarians... I never had enough time or info to fill a true bug report Skycaptain, but it seems you found the cause of one of the most annoying CTDs left in my otherwise fully stable install.

Now there's one last question for all of you tech gurus, since I would like to keep power exhaustion, is there any workaround I could use to avoid this? If CS work is needed I would like to have some instructions...

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I'm on a full FCOM install with RaceBalancing, no COBL races for me!
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:55 am

Try Kuertee's esp found in his Battle Fatigues mod (linked above) it removes the health drains/penalties from NPCs and, in theory, make it so they won't spam the berserk power.

Truth is I never tested with it - I was so erked by the whole thing that by the time we figured it out and he made the plugin I was over power exhaustion.

No guarantees from me though.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:08 am

Try Kuertee's esp found in his Battle Fatigues mod (linked above) it removes the health drains/penalties from NPCs and, in theory, make it so they won't spam the berserk power.

Truth is I never tested with it - I was so erked by the whole thing that by the time we figured it out and he made the plugin I was over power exhaustion.

No guarantees from me though.

Thx anyway! I'l try the plugin! You said you never tested, but you actually have it in your setup for what I understand, I would like to know how does it "feel" from a gameplay perspective, if you would be so king...

(And sorry for the slight OT)
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:23 am

As I stated:
I edited my post above to add a few details. I've a bad habit of rethinking/editing my posts as soon as I put them up.

Using Kuertee's plugin I never see health drained NPCs - where their health is constantly leaking out.

MMM will spawn opponents with penalized derived stats and one bug it has (of which could be a mod conflict and is not always there) is that you can meet NPCs with constantly draining health - you walk up to them and their health keeps draining away. They will try and compensate by casting healing spells, but sometimes not. During the Hoarfrost castle quest I even walked into a dungeon where all NPCs were like this. Such NPCs are also often heard panting a lot if you have Realistic Fatigue installed.

Kuertee's mod removes those effects. And for the longest time I mostly encountered healthy ready to fight NPCs and yesterday going through Fort Rayles with FCOM was a great reminder of just how hard this game can get. Ouch.

The issue I reported above about bloody guards is related to exta wounding from MMM, but no health drains I could see because I have enemy health bar turned off and only with guards, so it could be an interaction with VOILA - not at all sure yet.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 pm

This thread was actually fascinating to read, despite me never having this problem! SkyCaptain, your a mod ninja :toughninja:
I agree it should be pinned as a "how to solve your own damn problems" thread- though you guys use such advanced techniques it would probably blow over the heads of us lowly mortals :P
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:36 pm

This thread was actually fascinating to read

I agree. I now feel like a worm... :unsure:
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:21 am

It's just knowledge that builds upon itself.

I recall it took me hours and up to a day or two to track down that ctd.

finding that one isolated orc then turning off scripts and AI then turning it back on to see him cast 1, 2, 3 boom.

Until I saw the pattern of orcs casting related to the crashes it was just days of 'why is my game great for a few hours then constantly crashing - I go here fine - I go there blam' Sometimes mod makers have it easier with their short mod lists and mods they know inside and out. Working out this kind of issue in a long load order is complicated and I know there are many instances where I couldn't figure out why and gave up.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:09 am

It's just knowledge that builds upon itself.

Yeah I can see that, but it is a long "building phase" that preceded such intimate knowledge....

Well I do experience only one recurring crash (totally different than what was going on here) in my otherwise really well-behaved and stable game. I'll post about it later in its own thread if I don't find no existing thread about it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:30 am

...Kuertee's mod removes those effects. And for the longest time I mostly encountered healthy ready to fight NPCs and yesterday going through Fort Rayles with FCOM was a great reminder of just how hard this game can get. Ouch....

Hey Psymon! How are ya, mate?

My MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp actually only disables the Health, Magicka and Fatigue tweaks in MMM's diversifaction scripts.
I think those adjustments are applied with SetAVs which can cause problems with those Derived Attributes.
The other parts of MMM's diversifaction system (e.g. 3D model size) are left active in my ESP.
I didn't look into MMM - Extra Wounding.esp and my ESP doesn't affect it at all.

...finding that one isolated orc then turning off scripts and AI then turning it back on to see him cast 1, 2, 3 boom....

I went through that same process.
For me, it was one of those goblin champions with the plate armour.
Without fail, the game would crash when that goblin died.
The problem was it wasn't me that kept killing it.
I attributed the problem to a corrupt spawn.
There was a long thread about it in the CS forum.
But that was 2009. That thread would be gone by now.
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An Lor
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:21 am

Hey yourself - thanks for clarifying.

You never know that thread might be around - I wonder when will be lost, last bumped in February and I thought it was 6 months for purging.

In my new game with TIE-WAC as the main overhauls and I miss extra wounding - realistic fatigue is good with its effects on NPCs but not quite as good as extra wounding and the stumbling, falling, etc that it brings.

Wish it were stand alone.

Oblivion misses you :obliviongate:
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:02 am

You never know that thread might be around - I wonder when will be lost, last bumped in February and I thought it was 6 months for purging.

Ah, just found the thread again for linking in the FCOM thread. :) And no, I think they have definitely changed their policy on the 6-month purging period. To my surprise I found a few definitely older threads and posts of mine recently again. Which is good for the useful threads of others, not necessary my usual stuff.... :rolleyes: .............. :lol:

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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:27 am

So is the OrcRageScript still the culprit? I have not used power exhaustion, but I ran into the same CTD with bg2408's RBP.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 am

Well I can't 100% for certain what is the cause (because I'm not that smary) except that it is a cause in either version of power exhaustion and not in RBP.

You can use RBP fine it is orcs spamming their berserk power in preference to a healing spell when they are hit with MMM reduced stats. As I understand it the main culprit is power exhaustion.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:49 pm

Well I can't 100% for certain what is the cause (because I'm not that smary) except that it is a cause in either version of power exhaustion and not in RBP.

You can use RBP fine it is orcs spamming their berserk power in preference to a healing spell when they are hit with MMM reduced stats. As I understand it the main culprit is power exhaustion.

I don't have power exhaustion turned on? Is it part of any mods by default? I use COBL, but I have not ever messed with that. I'll double-check in game later.

Thanks for the reply Psymon.
- Tomlong75210
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:28 pm

One thing I did notice when using kuertees MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp, it doesn't work (or possibly just fully work) if I merge it. I was still coming across a lot of actors with permgimped HP and so on, who would endlessly spam spells to heal themselves, which of course they couldn't.

I redid my bashed patch and put kurtees plugin on active and unchecked the merge box, reset cells and voila, works. It's pretty great actually, kudos to kuertee.

Your mileage may vary here of course, could be a conflict on my end or something I just plain screwed up, but it may be worth a shot. For myself, I've added it to my small list of mods that say they are mergeable, but shouldn't be merged.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:59 am

All issues went away by simply not using power exhaustion (whether cobl or not).

I'm wondering if it needs a bash tag?
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:29 am

...I redid my bashed patch and put kurtees plugin on active and unchecked the merge box, reset cells and voila, works. It's pretty great actually, kudos to kuertee....
Hey thanks Mythgaard!
And mod will not affect those actors already affected by MMM's health, magicka and fatigue effects because those effects are acquired when the actors spawn.
But after my mod is activated, new spawns shouldn't have MMM's H, M and F effects.
Note, however, that others mods may affect the actors the same way causing them to continually try to heal themselves.
E.g. my Battle fatigue effect in my Battle fatigue and injuries mod.
I should update that with the new OBSE so that its effects are to the Actor Value's "MAX" modification rather thant to its "DAMAGE" modification.
Hmmm...more stuff to do. :P
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