Please Help - Rare glitch?

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:44 am

Hi guys,

Please can someone shed some light on this bizarre glitch and if possible help me cure it.

Basically I picked up the game this week and have invested several hours in it. However I've noticed that when I'm walking forward, my character slows down and then speeds up. This occurs in both 1st and 3rd person.

In 3rd person I've watched the animation and it's as if he goes from a run to a walk, and then back to a run. The issue isn't with the frame rate as all NPCs, scenery, etc are all moving smooth. It's as if I'm pressing a walk button on and off. The issue has got worse the more I've played, and is now unplayable. Also this only applies to moving forward and not sideways or backwards. It also doesn't seem to occur if I sprint or sneak. It also appears to be the same whether I have a weapon out or not.

I've tried to Google this issue and only found 2 other people report the same thing, but no cure is mentioned.

What I've tried so far to fix the issue:
Uninstall and reinstall the game.
Remove all items from the character
Heal character to 100% health to rule out injury
Start a new game
Clean and check controller for hardware issues

The problem is so bad at the minute that my character only walks/jogs for 3 seconds at a time. I know the PC version has Caps Lock to make the character walk / jog and although I'm on PS4, it's as if someone is pressing it every few seconds.

Please can someone help me?

Thank you!
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Sista Sila
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