Sorry, quoted the wrong post

To be honest, the video in the OP looks fairly normal. Sure, the LOD popping is obvious when you're looking for it but the LOD system is used to keep performance optimal. The further away these objects pop, the worse the performance.
Though i totally agree that if you're running "Extreme" settings then the LOD should be more biased towards visuals than performance. I've read that people used custom configs to improve the LOD distances but here i'm reading that this wasn't possible, so you can understand my confusion on the issue.
I think the problem is Adam that performance wise Crysis2 = A+ no question and kudos to Crytek for that achievement, but quality wise (even on extreme) Crysis2 = D- and that's being kind.
Low end/legacy PC hardware market is happy.
Anyone who uses PC components built in the last 2yrs is.... frankly not happy.
Promises about CryEngine3 appear to be poorly represented in Crysis2. I know Crytek are making steps to address this but come on already smoke and mirrors goes only so far....