after i brought morrowind goty edition, i installed it and when i open it the game starts but in the loading bars it makes some dialog boxes and then closes by it self,, dialog boxes errors:-

Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.
Max size is 8, data truncated to "#
Unknown SSCR_ID in ConstructObject.
Unknown SSCR_ID in ConstructObject.
Unknown SSCR_ID in ConstructObject.
File 'Tribunal.esm' contains corrupt data for cell 'Mournhold, Godsreach'.
File 'Tribunal.esm' contains corrupt data for cell 'Mournhold, Great Bazaar'.
File 'Tribunal.esm' contains corrupt data for cell 'Mournhold, Plaza Brindisi Dorom'.
File 'Tribunal.esm' contains corrupt data for cell 'Mournhold, Royal Palace: Courtyard'.
File 'Tribunal.esm' contains corrupt data for cell 'Mournhold, Temple Courtyard'.
DataHandler: unrecognized form
Look in the Warnings.txt file for more info.
Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.
Max size is 8, data truncated to "#
Model Load Error: Meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nif cannot load file in Meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.
Max size is 8, data truncated to "#
Model Load Error: Meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nif cannot load file in Meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Textures\" count 2.
and i have searched google and so many forums but nothing helped me,, please help me
p.s:- i have tried reinstalling but it didnt work,and i have installed them in the right order (morrowind>tribunal>bloodmon) but it didnt work, and i have tried running as admin and i have tried every possible solution,,,, what should i do ????? :swear: