I saved my game in Hidden Valley in front of that shop in the bunker. I was finishing the ''I Could Make You Care'' quest. I reloaded that save after killing one of the Paladins. I had the ''H and H Tools Nail Gun'' equipped when I saved. When I try to load that save from the main menu, the roulette wheel spins around once or twice then stops. Then I can't open the dashboard or anything. When I take out the disc the loading screen stays there. I have to turn off and on the Xbox to start it again. I tried installing the game, clearing the cache, loading from a new game at Doc Mitchell's house, remove the hard drive and put it back in, I moved the save around from memory card to memory unit to hard drive and none of these methods work.
My only hope is a patch. Please, I'm 90 hours into the game with all DLC completed and over 100 quests done. I didn't even get to try out the new Gun Runners pack without starting a new game. I don't want to play through it all again. Not for a 3rd time. Please please please release a patch to fix this. Also it's nothing to do with the disc or console because it loads a new game just fine. Since I play with one save because I like to go down one path because it makes things more simple (unless getting an achievement that requires multiple playthroughs) I can't load a previous save since I only have one and the new game I started to try and load the old game overwrite my autosave so there is only one save in Hidden Valley. Please release a patch. I'm sad over it. Please release a patch so typing all this wasn't a waste of time.