Here take this. You're going to need a one.
That is a very good point.
When I had a NES 8 bit I made a point of not buying a game unless the store had either a return policy or let me try it out there.
I think I tried or returned possibly 4/5 and only actually bought one in five.
It is these games that I ended up with and replayed a few years ago, leading me to the conclusion that they still are very good games. Interesting, often fiendishly difficult, and addictive.
Things like the zelda series or a few D&D games. The mario and megaman series. Castlevania.
Its not the 80% of rejects that influence my opinion, they are forgotten.
Ok. So 80% of games have always been crap, and its not something of the new generation.
But lets talk about the 20%.
Still, I feel that there are some differences with todays games that stand out. I still think that the lack of graphics, sounds and other bells and whistles forced developers to actually produce a good game.
Take a game like Fable 1. It was the best in its series, it had some interesting features.
But, ultimately it was a too short, and broken game. When I got out of prison I seriously expected to be about at the halfway point. Instead the game was practically over.
The gameworld was tiny. It is absolutely not what I expect of an RPG to have an area map wherein I can only walk a very narrow pre-set path, and all the rest is just decor.
That is mario 1 mechanics, only with better graphics.
The morality system was broken. You had to constantly kill villagers to actually be evil, as progressing to the game automatically meant amassing a lot of 'good' points because of all the monsters that gave them when dying.
The character progression customization was broken. Dont eat a pie, youll get fat. Every high level character looks like the hulk.
And then came 2 and 3 and instead of fixing what was broken, they decided to 'streamline' and we all know how that ended up.
That is what I dont like about modern games and that is what I mean when I say bells and whistles have replaced actual gameplay. I honestly dont
care about graphics or audio. Possibly this is because Ive seen so much of the improvements to them in my lifetime that I still think Morrowind graphics are amazing.
That is also my fear for Skyrim.
That they will take out options and customisations and 'superflousness' in order to 'streamline' the game and make it
'mass accessible'.
The rumour about spellmaking seems to hint at that. Removal of spellmaking in favour of cool graphic effects is in no way shape or form a good thing. It removes actual content and replayability and replaces it with bells and whistles.