» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:43 am
The graphics of C2 didn't bother me so much, keeping aside the level design disappointments... The jungle was amazing in crysis, this city should have been even better, a possibility to do something groundbreaking again.
Thats my problem with all of this, I just got through playing dragon age 2 and had the very same problem: Consolification. I don't care about the textures being sub par or whatever, I don't pick my games to be eye candy, I get them based on features and design. As long as the graphics are passable as current generation it's fine.
But, dumbing down gameplay aspects is not good. Compartmentalizing levels, if you need to sure, but here the real problem with porting from the console comes in, it's their garbage gameplay. Very disappointing to go to a game's sequel and see it get dumbed down for a console(hence the dragon age 2 reference, that game lost so much due to being an effective console port, like this one)
I can't really complain, development is expensive, but it bothers me to the core that this is what I can expect in the future, there aren't great studios that will continue to innovate, we won't see amazing things happen until they've all tried to clone the game of the week(Go drown yourself, call of duty) and really that is our own fault, we can't help it, we are blood svcking parasites that would complain that a game we pirated isn't good enough, even use that as a justification for pirating it.
It's not my fault, and I'm sure it's not you're fault either, buddy about to flame me, but we dug our own hole in this by not having the foresight that some few did so long ago, when they said "Hey, stop ripping off games and start buying them, 50$ isn't much and it will lead to amazing leaps and bounds in the future of gaming but if we don't buy them, they won't make them!"
Well now these consoles are out, cheap computers that are more inconvenient to crack games on, and pc gamers are left with the dregs of gameplay that come out of a real game when it is really made to appeal to a 13 year old on his 360.
-A proud owner of an unused 360 and a ps3, with a well exercised computer
Yep, its a sad sight to see in the gaming industry... I agree with you, the main point of this petition is not even about graphics, but more about how badly this game suffered gameplay wise... It lost the scope, scale, and innovation that previous Crysis games had, just to cater to the console frame of mind and keep their graphics top notch. News flash Crytek, consolers don't care about graphics, that's why they play on 5 year old machines.
I would take innovative gamemodes like Power Struggle, Assault (from Far Cry), and new innovations like an Alien Horde mode any day over these gameplay sacrifices Crysis 2 made in the name of graphics on consoles. I would take the large open environment from Crysis 1 back while putting that in a city, and im sure consolers would love it too... Yet it was sacrificed in the name of console graphics.
The console and PC audience actually have a lot in common, the only issue is with Crytek forcing handicaps on innovation and scale just to keep the graphics top notch on consoles. You can successfully port a game from PC to console and both audiences would adore it (Battlefield 3), only one thing needs to be sacrificed - console graphics.