» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:36 am
IThis was Crytek's first multiplatform game and i think they did a pretty good job considering it was their first time.
Completely agree.
Hell the SP alone is one of the best FPS titles I 've seen since the xbox itself came out. Given it was their first try they do deserve a whole bunch of credit.
but building on previous comments. Bad times means bad pockets. If I, personally, had the money to spend I would buy PC and pc related items. But having to buy a card a chip ram, or something to upgrade the computer every 2-3 years is not something is popular today, and I dont think it will be for a while.
Take the xbox... not really bad karma with it. But ps3 ... overall consoles. You buy em 300-400 bucks. And that sfor 4 years plus. No upgrades, aside from controllers or something, but for the most part the companies are responding in part to their own desires as well as current economic times. The pool of people willing to spend 150 bucks plus every 2 years to upgrade a PC is getting smaller.
Now should economic times change... it might change it might not I dont know. but for now the big bucks are on PC when it comes to MMO's for adventure/fps is on consoles. There are exceptions though, but they are far and in between.