Looking forward to Witcher 2 and Battlefield 3.
The funny thing is Battlefield 3 will be as much of a mulit-platform game as Crysis 2. Because it's obviously being made for 360, PS3 and PC, and they'll need to cater their in-game assets/models and everything for consoles, so they can run the game. Yeah the PC version's gonna have a larger player cap in multiplayer, yeah it's gonna have dedicated servers (well so does C2), yeah it's gonna support directx 11 (so will C2), yeah it'll have better graphics than the console version (...so does C2), a larger player cap in multiplayer is about it, compared to C2.
Honestly, I just find it silly that people are praising B3 over Crysis 2 because it's going to be a "proper PC exclusive" or a "more PC focused game", because it's not. I even bet Crysis 2 will still look better than B3 on PC when it comes out.
On topic though, I really don't think Crysis 2 would've been much different if it was a PC exclusive, except that it'd be a more finished game for PC on release date. Cevat Yerli knew what sort of game he wanted before he decided to go multi-platform. Or did he...
But going back to my enjoyment of Crysis Wars, I did like the feeling of how you controlled yourself, the way your first person view/aiming felt more responsive, and you felt more free and flexible in the suit. It made it feel like the way a PC game was meant to be handled. Now I think about it, the PC handling may have been much better if it was PC exclusive, and maybe the suit modes wouldn't have changed to "the streamlined 3".
It does sound like a better multiplayer experience when I think of Crysis Wars 2. Make it as optimised as Crysis 2, have a rewarding unlock and stat system like Crysis 2's mp (that saves properly as soon as it's earnt!), and just keep the game mechanics similar to Crysis Wars, maybe fix a few things, add a few things, there's nothing wrong with any of the Crysis 2 assets/models so keep them (including the guns, character models, and all other assets), keep the character animations because they're excellently well done, and have a mixture of vehicle maps and non-vehicle maps. I did enjoy just mucking around in a ute with some other guys in their own utes, crashing, going over jumps, and even having races. Would like to shoot your weapon out the window while your driving, that might be fun.
Wait, what am I doing now, it looks like I've hopped off my defending Crysis 2 mindset and am making suggestions to what a better Crysis 2 mp experience could be, woah, who would've thought. To be honest, I love Crysis 2's singplayer experience, its the most epic and enjoyable I’ve played. At least tell me Talon95 you've enjoy Crysis 2's singleplayer. I've hardly heard any positives from you regarding Crysis 2.