[Petition] Please Make Crysis 3 PC Exclusive/Focused!

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:34 pm

I would not get my hopes up for a pc exclusive title, if you want that you had better go look at strategy games as your new genre.

I for one enjoyed, and still enjoy Crysis 2 SP, and I want more of it. However, they really need to fix MP, hackers and cheaters, random dc's, points not counting towards progression etc. If this game is to last, these things have to be fixed asap. On top of that, they have to learn from that in preparation for C3.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:10 am

Crysis 3 can lick my balls.
I agree, Crysis 2 was such a failure that I don't want to even imagine what Crysis 3 would be.
The worst thing was that they actually made a huge amount of money by that piece of crap by selling it to brainless xbox360 gamers. Crysis 2 wasn't Crysis at all, it was CoD with a dumbed down nanosuit.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:05 am

Trust me, I am not looking forward to Crysis 3 or any other Crysis games at this point.

However, a good interview with Cevat Yerli explaining why Crysis 3 will be better and Crysis 3 exclusivity to the PC platform will bring back my trust. Crytek just cannot function correctly as a multiplatform developer with Crysis... Leave the multiplat to other IP's, leave Crysis where it was built and designed to last - on the PC.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:24 am

No way. They wouldn't sell **** to PC player base alone after this rip of a game. They were a studio, but now they are a business and they can't go back and convince people their next product is anything more than another burger-shooter. I know it's sad, but you have to just leave the dead dog behind and look for the future instead.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:32 am

Haha I like this poster!!!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:10 am

No way. They wouldn't sell **** to PC player base alone after this rip of a game. They were a studio, but now they are a business and they can't go back and convince people their next product is anything more than another burger-shooter. I know it's sad, but you have to just leave the dead dog behind and look for the future instead.

I am hoping they fix this... :(

They did good with 3 games... maybe this one is an experimental screw-up? Only one can hope. :)
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:44 pm

This is where Crytek went wrong.

Crytek UK.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:17 am

This is where Crytek went wrong.

Crytek UK.

Definitely. Crytek UK needs to go.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:53 pm

At least lets hope the PC version will be developed separately from the Console versions so that they're not technologically dependent on each other. Sometimes, Crysis 2 makes me think Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC wasn't all that bad !!!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:35 am

I'm still waiting for Crysis 2.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:27 pm

Honestly, investing money on Crytek UK was the wrong move. I woulda just bought Tripwire... that's if they can buy them out.

They seem to have a lot more gifted PC coders/innovators
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:54 am


Really Crytek? Why would you waste all that money designing a studio for such an incompetent developing branch?

Leave UK's paws off our franchise! Frankfurt originally designed the game, Frankfurt should continue to design the game, on the PC only! Let UK make Timesplitters for the console cash or something but leave their paws off a PC designed title please...

Keep showing your support for a PC exclusive Crysis 3 guys! As helifreak said, I am still waiting for a true Crysis 2... The current game they call by that name is nothing more than a mockery of coding and design. Hell, Crysis Wars had a longer lasting community than this game, this game takes 1 month to reach the population levels that took Crysis Wars over one year to reach. It is entirely indicative of what the community thinks about Crytek and their poor shenanigans and poor multiplatform coding and design.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:18 pm

I don't think that the changes were mainly because of console versions but the need to caught attention from those lovers of call of duty and such. So I don't see the point of a PC exclusive when they can just pay better attention to get a real good PC version.

I'm OK with Crysis 2. I really liked it. I think it is greatly optimized from what it was Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead. Crysis 2 runs smoothly on my Core2Quad Q6600 with my nVidia GTX260, something I can't say about Crysis 1. Crysis 1 has terrible framerate drops, and irregular needs of power. Some parts needs a graphic card twice better to keep playing with the same detail as I did in previous levels. So only solution, again, go to the menu and change graphics options, that's not good at all. That thing doesn't happen in Crysis 2, stable technical needs all over the game.

I think they will improve the next game and learn from what they have done with this one. From plot to level design. I really missed the previous aliens, liked the new ones, but I also loved the old ones with tentacles. ?Where did they go in this game?

With Crysis 2 I get a great FPS different from Crysis 1 and yet great. Hope to see more Crysis games in the future.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:23 am

I don't think that the changes were mainly because of console versions but the need to caught attention from those lovers of call of duty and such. So I don't see the point of a PC exclusive when they can just pay better attention to get a real good PC version.

I'm OK with Crysis 2. I really liked it. I think it is greatly optimized from what it was Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead. Crysis 2 runs smoothly on my Core2Quad Q6600 with my nVidia GTX260, something I can't say about Crysis 1. Crysis 1 has terrible framerate drops, and irregular needs of power. Some parts needs a graphic card twice better to keep playing with the same detail as I did in previous levels. So only solution, again, go to the menu and change graphics options, that's not good at all. That thing doesn't happen in Crysis 2, stable technical needs all over the game.

I think they will improve the next game and learn from what they have done with this one. From plot to level design. I really missed the previous aliens, liked the new ones, but I also loved the old ones with tentacles. ?Where did they go in this game?

With Crysis 2 I get a great FPS different from Crysis 1 and yet great. Hope to see more Crysis games in the future.

What need was there for the game to bring in CoD lovers? The old design was already proven to have great potential and good success, there was no reason to throw that out the door by allowing Crytek UK to rip apart every game mechanic the old series had.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:14 am

It's funny that all you guys are saying that you're happy it runs so optimised because you could barely run the first game.

That's what "advanced graphics" settings are for. So cheap-asses like you with your 400$ e-machine can still play the game by turning down settings to maintain FPS, while those of us with good rigs get to play on Max.

Why are we suffering because the Xbox and your rig are both ancient museum peices.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:34 am

Good job OP !

DX11 will no doubt shift this thing in a completely new direction. Please dont leave the word "PATCH" fool ya, they are doing a whole damn overhaul for PC with DX11 support. You cannot "patch" a console ported game into DX11. You will literally have to OVERHAUL the core. I would bet when DX11 is released it will technically be a C2 redownload all over again. The digital download was 8GB compressed, expect to see the DX11 version be 6GB compressed, thats "IF" I am right.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:46 am

Good job OP !

DX11 will no doubt shift this thing in a completely new direction. Please dont leave the word "PATCH" fool ya, they are doing a whole damn overhaul for PC with DX11 support. You cannot "patch" a console ported game into DX11. You will literally have to OVERHAUL the core. I would bet when DX11 is released it will technically be a C2 redownload all over again. The digital download was 8GB compressed, expect to see the DX11 version be 6GB compressed, thats "IF" I am right.

Guessing from Crytek's past patch support, the DX11 patch will be entirely half assed.

Hardocp.com has it right: "Crysis 2 with DX11! No one gives a damn any more."

Crytek, just move the heck on to Crysis 3. Normal users don't care for Crysis 2 because the game mechanics and code are crap. Enthusiasts don't care for Crysis 2 even if its patched to DX11. Nobody cares for Crysis 2. Just move on... please.

PLG has it right. Crysis 2 isn't optimized at all, its just smoke and mirrors. Crysis 1 runs worse at max settings because it looks better. Heck, proper DX11 optimization would have this game running even better at certain settings due to multi-threaded rendering and texturing pipeline improvements! Crysis 2 is nothing more than a half-assed console title and no amount of Crytek lazy patching (based off their history of non-support) will fix this.

Crysis 2 is not optimized to the extent people think. You can get Crysis 1 to run just as good with the same smoke and mirrors that Crysis 2 uses if you use proper cvar's. Technically speaking, the CryEngine 3 is practically a step-back from CryEngine 2 except for multi-platform support.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:35 am

As far as I'm concerned Crytek can keep his crysis 3 for consoles only, since they're so amazing.

They fooled us and I won't be twice. Guess what crytek, you treated us like kids, then assume your decisions like advlts.

Enough said
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:45 am

So you want them to make it where only the people with insanely expensive pc's can enjoy their game? That doesn't make any sense at all...why not gain market interest across all three platforms and learn from their mistakes in crysis 2? They are completely capable of making a solid game for all three platforms, they just didn't quite get it right this time around. They will learn from this and I look forward to seeing what they put on consoles in the future, especially if its after a new generation of consoles are released. In the short run, your numbers are probably pretty accurate cost wise, but in the long run, making a killer console game that develops a fan base is the way to go.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:38 am

That's why on pc there are (were) advanced settings, so any config can play it.

If I follow your logic, next crysis will be downgraded to the level of ipad, the lowest common denominator ?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:39 pm

Ok, first off, Crysis 2 is a good game. An amazing game. But it's not a good PC game!

But making the next Crysis a PC-Exclusive again would be a step back in Crytek's evolution. It would make Crysis 3 a tip for knowers and a secret, but good game the first Crysis was. Crysis 1 was rarely popular, at my shool back then, I was the only one to have / to know the game. That's what pissed me off. When I heard Crysis 2 get's Multiplattform I said "Jeez, that may cause one problem and one advantage". One, beeing less a optimized PC game, and for the other, popularity and sales would rise.

The change of Crytek's decision, to make the game Multiplatform is to thank the pirates, who made the first game lesss sucessfull then it surely is supposed to be. Crytek wanted to make Crysis THE ultimate PC shooter, beeing different, beeing technically the best around. But it didn't work. No one was impressed, whining about it not running on their PC's, pirates on the servers one week before the official release. THAT's what Crytek earned. They had to rethink their strategy, trying to aim a much wider community. There's the point. They aimed for the bigger com, but still wanted to be Crytek. But this strategy isn't more sucessfull. It's too different for the wider community, and too mainstream for the knowers. This is the point, where I blame the community for it's ignorance.

Now to the point I blame Crytek for. Their motto "What doesn't work on consoles, won't get into the PC version." Dear Crytek, DICE is currently walking the right way. PC and Console Version should be different from each other, when you create a Multiplattform game. Give the PC Players something, show the community, that you keep your promise, that the PC plattform is the leading plattform. Put some extra effort in it, so that we can think of Crysis beeing the best shooter series around, and that there'll always be a Crysis in the future. I know it's hard, but please. You'll get rewarded with higher, much higher sales.

Now saying to you, EA. The DirectX dilemma was obviously your fault, keep pushing Crytek to release the goddamn game. The PC version of the game came out like beeing 50% finished. I really hate your anti-PC policity you're giving us right now (no DLC for PC for Dead Space 2???). The PC market is full of players, if you don't think like that, you must surely only aim at america with your games. I'm afraid you f*** up DICE release, too... Maybe it's even your fault that the PC Version is not good. Now Crytek has to put all their ressources in what you f***ed up, great. So now, they can't work on the PC version, WHILE listening to the community, to get up a proper anti-cheat system, modding support a.s.o. Crytek is surely totally stressed, having to do a large list of fixing, because of you. There is: AI, Textures, Graphics menu, DirectX11, anti-cheating, bug fixing etc. See?

In all I can say: Don't make it PC exclusive, but don't keep your eye on the consoles. Remember, the first Crysis sold three million times after 7 months. I don't know, how big the sales might be for Crysis 2, but surely the PC version won't be that big. Pick up DICE idea, but stay Crytek after all. Free decisions, sandbox, pushing boundaries in technology on both PC and consoles (the console version of Crysis 2 is damn pretty... the best Console game I can find around), but don't let yourself get pushed around by EA.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:11 am

To be honest, I actually like the limited graphics options. It saves me so much time. In fact I probably spent more time tweaking Crysis 1, using in game settings, autoexec.cfg, and built in system.cfgs in mods like Natural Mod and XConfig, than actually playing the game. I didn't need this in Warhead becasue it ran so well and looked better at the same time. I won't argue about Crysis 2 looking better than C1. Overall it is hard to compare since the art direction is different, but thy improved with some things and failed with other things. Crysis 1 definitely has better textures, physics, and I really miss having POM. But the lighting and water dynamics in Crysis 2 are really nice. Shooting the water gives you detailed ripples that flow and bend around surrounding objects, as will throwing an object in the water, while shooting the water in Crysis 1 gave you this weird 2D, riple.

The only complaint I have about Cysis 2 graphics is the textures. Everything looks fine, except the damn textures. I really don't even care for DX 11, I just want a massive texture pack.

Now about gameplay...don't know. Both games are fun in their own ways, I think Warhead was the best one.
Crysis 2 has a lot more action, etc. and I feel like a badass in the Nanosuit 2. Crysis 1 had amazing environment interaction and dynamics and more options. Warhead had both, but was waaayyyyy too short.

Handling/controls: Crysis 1 definitely handled better on the mouse and I would prefer the old type of movement, etc, but I prefer the Nanosuit 2.0's features for actual gameplay. I would gladly trade Speed Mode for having a much better Armor Mode (not the Multiplayer Nanosuit, it has terrible Armor..not sure why...but in singleplayer the N2 takes far more shots than the N1 Armor) and Suit Upgrades. Once you have Armor Enhance and Cloak Enhance you are practically invincible. Strength mode is still there...the only thing I miss from that is running around and punching people out.

Storyline: Crysis 2 has a much better back-story, but the in-game story is terrible. Sure alien invasion of NYC sounds epic right? But when in the game I'm simply evacuating civilians and crawling into these spears that some 130 year old guy is telling me to crawl into. Crysis 1 had an average back-story, but a nice in game story. Overall I would want Crysis 1's story. With Crysis 2, I went and read Crysis: Legion after beating the campaign and then everything started to make sense. If I have to read a book to figure out a game storyline, the writers have failed.

AI: Crysis 2 has better AI, in the sense that they take cover, dynamically respond to each other, have much nicer animations, but it is buggy as hell. They walk into walls, throw grenades at their own feet, etc. Crysis 1's AI were stupid. You could walk up to a Korean uncloaked and punch them and then would fall down and stand back up pretending that nothing happened. Not to mention in indoor scenes they would line up and walk up to you one by one, each time the same way, while in Crysis 2 the AI would run into different rooms in a hallway and cleverly wait for you at each door, or they will take cover behind crates and wait for you. But Crysis 1's AI were stable and didn't glitch out every 2 minutes.

Overall: IMO It's a tie. Both games have their advantages and such...different experiences.
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u gone see
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:59 am

I'm not satisfied Crysis 2 on my PC.They limited their game because of ancient consoles.If it would be a PC exclusive maybe they can earn our trust again.

BF3 FTW!!!!!!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:06 am

Please make Crysis 4 an NES exclusive, please, please, please!
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loste juliana
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:55 pm

Crytek have said that Crysis 2 wouldn't of been as good if it were PC exclusive.
A reduced budget from EA because there would be a lower expected profit.
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