[Petition] Please Make Crysis 3 PC Exclusive/Focused!

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:51 pm

PROPHET... Err... I mean, PROFIT!
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:57 pm

Crytek have said that Crysis 2 wouldn't of been as good if it were PC exclusive.
A reduced budget from EA because there would be a lower expected profit.

Yeah, they probably thought the genius idea of mixing CoD with a nanosuit and adding a flavor of mirrors edge would be a sure fire recipe, even if everything else would fail. So they invested all that money in furniture instead of the actual development. It all starts to make sense now.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:57 pm

Dude, you guyz are dikes, i have no problem with consoles sharing, and anyways when next gen hits, they'll be as powerful as 580's, and i dont know this for sure, but its expected judging current consoles float around the capability's of 9800's
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:35 am

Dude, you guyz are dikes, i have no problem with consoles sharing, and anyways when next gen hits, they'll be as powerful as 580's, and i dont know this for sure, but its expected judging current consoles float around the capability's of 9800's
I don't either...until it starts to have an impact on PC gaming in the most negative ways possible.

And to be honest, big whoop that the next-gen will be as powerful as 580's. They will probably be more powerful, actually. But it doesn't matter, they will be outdated a couple years after their release anyway.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:14 am

True, but Crysis 2 didn't really svck.....people complain about multiplayer, but the campaign was rather epic, and remember the game was going to be done in new york regardless of what consoles had a say in it or not......so what do you recommend they should have done differently if it was a PC exclusive in new york? Because i thin they are already addressing the texture problem., and the levels are actually pretty large to begin with
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:59 am

Yeah, it didn't svck. But compared to Crysis 1 it did. Crytek set a standard for themselves and for everyone else after they released the first game of the series. They failed to meet and improve upon that standard in the second coming.

Yeah, the levels are big. Not as big as Crysis. The consoles saw to that. I remember the first Pinger fight, I look down every street, and there are huge piles of rubble blocking every one of them.The only level that felt truly Crysis-y was the 'Defend Central Station' level. I forget the name of the level. I honestly didn't expect this when they said New York. I expected being able to fight around several blocks with each level. With this you are blocked with huge barriers and collapsed skyscraqers to funnel you to one sorta-big area where your main objective is.

And there's another thing. I hate being told what to do all the time. With Crysis it was "Nomad, you gotta take out this artillery units before we can advance. Get it done." And you had a big-ass area and a lot of toys to see to it you got it done. With Crysis 2 you got Gould shrieking in your ear the entire way. "PROPHETTTTT! COME ON MANNNNNNN! U GOTTEH FIND TOS MARINESSSS!!!!!!!!!" "PROPHETTTTTT! YOU GOTTA GET DOWN INTO INTO INTO THE WRECKAGE MANNNNNN!!!!!!!" "PROPHETTTTT!!!!! WAIT YOUR NOT TEH PROPHETTTTTT! MANNNNNN!" Along with Gould baby-sitting you, you got 'Tactical Options', which basically TELL YOU how to play the game.

I just find it funny that Crytek makes a mistake, and it's still just as good as everything else out there, if not better.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:52 am

True, but Crysis 2 didn't really svck.....people complain about multiplayer, but the campaign was rather epic, and remember the game was going to be done in new york regardless of what consoles had a say in it or not......so what do you recommend they should have done differently if it was a PC exclusive in new york? Because i thin they are already addressing the texture problem., and the levels are actually pretty large to begin with

You may like the single player, but if you ever played a SP game with decent or even average level design, A.I and story, you'd think otherwise. Yeah, some scenes and cutscenes are exactly epic, but that's like every shooter clone these days. Doesn't make the gameplay experience itself much though. Large levels? Yeah, except that doom 1 has bigger levels than C2...

It's the MP that's decent in this game (not a decent Crysis MP, but a decent CoD), at least if we disregard all it's troubles.

I say, if it was a PC game we might have levels that could accommodate something better than f*ing dumb ass A.I scattered across the corridor like in a damn super mario game.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:19 am

Any suggestions how you would have made New York better? a GTA version of Crysis? The game is pretty expendable, and the "crysis" feeling is there, but like i said, not much could have been done without making a GTA spoof, and please people, i know what the OG Crysis is..... i was in crysis wars all the time, its not like i spawned in this forum knowing nothing about the past Crysis titles. I understand huge maps, complete variety, and an arsenal of tactics to complete a task, i understand its been dumbed down, all im saying is its still al there, sure graphics have been tuned down, but they already said they are fixing it, game is awesome, and if it wasnt for a console, as a PC exclusive, people would have still loved it, but now are using consoles as scapegoats, like i said, consoles are old, outdated tech, i know, my PC is like 6xs stronger, but hear me out, im not dissapointed with what the finished product is, there is always room for annexing variables in the sandbox, which i think is the main reason people are pissed, because no sandbox on release.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:41 am

I just don't think it's there. That's exactly why I had to force it through C2. The only thing still there is the name and the nanosuit (somewhat).

And to answer your question: I would have tried to preserve the farcry and crysis feel and make it look like urban warfare, at least a little bit. Not go straight for Mario bros. Don't get me wrong, I love Mario games. Just not in my crysis. And since it's closer to CoD, it's not all Mario's fault either.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:44 pm

Palm Trees in New york? Like i said, its new york, regardless, console or not. Trust me, throwing pallets and barrels at enemies is what makes Crysis, Crysis, and its still there, physics are there, graphics are there, useless boxes are there. Its crysis people, who nows, maybe not a step forward, but its still Crysis. And seriously, do you think having the N1 would make the game better? Maybe were butthurt because no sheet metal huts...... but really, new york is made of concrete, and last i checked concrete is very, very good at resisting grenades. Please challenge me on this, but if the buildings took real time damage, like parts would fall off, would that be considered at that point surpassing crysis 1?
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:31 am

It's Crysis-Lite. You are saying that because it is in New York, Crytek gets a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card for everything that SHOULD have been in there.

Physics: Yes. Not as good as Crysis. In Crysis, physics had an actual role in the gameplay itself. In here I have to go out of my way to actually appreciate the semi-physics the game has.
Graphics: Yes. They are good graphics. Not as good as Crysis. That is all.
Useless boxes: Yes? But not as many as Crysis?
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:46 am

Ya, I understand bro brah, levels like Banana plantation blow my mind, massive variety there,.....who am i kidding, its Crysis 1 is awesome i know, i play it every month or so to not forget what a game should be, but really, Me living in a city thinks Crysis 2 was more epic than the first, please once again prove me wrong here, but it seems Crysis is a direct sequel to Farcry..........:S...., stay in bushes, creep out, surprise enemies and blast there brains out, not much changed between those games in terms of gameplay, yes i know, but the nanosuit, Crysis 2 steps in and says, true post human warrior game play, your not human anymore, but a "I piss on master chief entity". I just think there was more "immersion" in Crysis 2, even if it doesn't match Crysis standards, i know, but makes up for it in many ways that allows it to be considered Part II
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:32 am

Mutli-platform isn't the problem, the problem is that Crytek left out almost everything that made Crysis unique from other games. What's the point in buying Crysis 2 if you already have CoD? The problem is the bugs, cheaters, story inconsistent with the first game, all our favorite characters are gone, sup-par SP campaign, simplified nanosuit, no vehicles, MP is almost a complete copy of CoD, no power struggle mode, etc. Assuming they fix the bugs and get rid of the cheaters, then it's not a bad game, its just not much different than the dozen other shooters out there. I haven't bought any FPS games since Crysis Warhead, so I'm satisfied with my purchase, but I can understand if people who already have similar games like CoD are dissatisfied with their purchase because Crysis has lost almost everything that made it unique.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:34 am

Asking for it to be PC exclusive is pointless. They made CryEngine 3 around one main concept, multiplatform development. They can make one game, and run it on all three major platforms. It cost them almost nothing more to develop the game for all three platforms.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:14 am

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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:57 am

Crytek must read these.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:47 am

Crysis 3 should be console exclusive.. Just to make the PC elitists cry.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:07 am

Crysis 3 should be console exclusive.. Just to make the PC elitists cry.
lol, PC elitist won't cry for it if it is only for consoles.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:20 am

Actually it would make more sence for C3 to be PC exclusive. Here is the thought about this. When C1 was released it was only known to PC Gamers, console players didnt know a hoop about C1, or Crytek.

Most console players have no idea what they are missing in PC gaming. Now that C2 has become known throughout all the major consoles they now have a taste of a new gaming challenge and to add a graphics environment that exeeds any other game on console.

So now the console players will now become more inclined toward PC gaming. If C3 is PC exclusive there is a higher chance console players will invest into PCs to get the ultimate expereince based on their first experience in C2. Alot of this is promoted by our kicking and screaming about being base raqed not having DX11. many console players dont have a clue what DirectX is. We are not going to go console for a game cause we know it will be taking multiple steps backwards which would be degrading. ****, I have the xBox, PS3, and Wii and they are growing dust.

Like I said in my previous post, dont be too suprised when you go to download the alledged DX11 "PATCH" it turns out to be 6GB. It will be a complete "overwrite"....
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:12 am

Console gamers are lazy, broke, and expect games to magically look better on the same console, i know, i was once one of them. And stop ranting, its not a consoles fault, its the fact they haven't had an updated console in 6 years, its 2 years overdue, next gens in general are overdue, which would have allowed for raising the bar.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:25 am

For a company that made it's fortune developing the cutting edge of games technology, it seems like a pretty retarded move to take a leap 6 years backwards :\
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:23 am

Crysis 3 should be console exclusive.. Just to make the PC elitists cry.

As a PC elitist I'd actually be happy if they made the game console exclusive. Then I wouldn't have to worry about wasting my money on a crappy bug ridden port, I could spend it one something else, like a Valve game.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:51 am

and why should 360 owners not get to play part 3 because you don't want them too? i am looking forward to cyrsis 3 on the 360.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:11 am

I could spend it one something else, like a Valve game.

I loved hls and portal, but valve is too stuck in steam's ass, because it is, after all, a cash cow.

I'm afraid portal 2 will end up like C2.

afraid doesen't begin to describe it actually. i'm freaking terrified.

+1 to op btw.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:27 am

Crysis 3 should be console exclusive.. Just to make the PC elitists cry.

As a PC elitist I'd actually be happy if they made the game console exclusive. Then I wouldn't have to worry about wasting my money on a crappy bug ridden port, I could spend it one something else, like a Valve game.

LOL, i agree. :)

Keep up the support and additional opinions are always welcome!

You know, I would be just fine with Crytek taking the DICE way of development with Crysis 3, but do we actually see that happening from Crytek? EA was way too much control over how Crytek runs, Crytek UK would get their dirty paws on it again, and the game would lose its focus like Crysis 2 did.

In all honesty, Crysis 2 feels much more like an expansion to Crysis 1 than a sequel. What does the plot even do other than some off-spin of NYC being attacked with merc's meddling in between and some ultra-powerful NS2 being able to do God's work and reverse the spore code and bring back people from the dead? I am still waiting for my sequel to Crysis 1, along with my sequel to Far Cry! Crytek, get your ass in gear already.
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