Most console players have no idea what they are missing in PC gaming. Now that C2 has become known throughout all the major consoles they now have a taste of a new gaming challenge and to add a graphics environment that exeeds any other game on console.
So now the console players will now become more inclined toward PC gaming. If C3 is PC exclusive there is a higher chance console players will invest into PCs to get the ultimate expereince based on their first experience in C2. Alot of this is promoted by our kicking and screaming about being base raqed not having DX11. many console players dont have a clue what DirectX is. We are not going to go console for a game cause we know it will be taking multiple steps backwards which would be degrading. ****, I have the xBox, PS3, and Wii and they are growing dust.
Like I said in my previous post, dont be too suprised when you go to download the alledged DX11 "PATCH" it turns out to be 6GB. It will be a complete "overwrite"....
I can tell you now this is retarded. No console gamer would spend ridiculous amounts on an up to date gaming PC for the sake of one game.
(Insert.. 'oh but build your own lalala'..) no, most people don't know how so that is not a viable option.