A thread to show your support for a Crysis 3 "back to roots" PC exclusive!
Crytek originally left off of Crysis 1 with the complaint of poor sales and piracy issues, claiming that multiplatformism would solve this. Unfortunately for Crytek, it seems their "sales plan" with Crysis 2 failed. Now, Crysis 2 actually has success in that it beats out Crysis 1 in first month sales, but it will not beat out Crysis 1 overall. Crysis 2 has approx. 1.2 million sales (i took PC retail and doubled it to account for digital) while Crysis 1 had approx 1 million. The huge difference is that Crysis 2 does not have the long term support of the community like Crysis 1 had which in the end, gave it over 3.5 million sales! Crysis 2 sales have already leveled off and will shortly die off completely, with a little burst for DX11 and then sputtered out entirely. Consoles do not have the higher profit margins of Digital Distribution, they do not have the high benefit of long-term sales, and they do not have the benefit of "easy advertising" (pretty much, you need to spend lots more money to get a good sale on console while PC is okay with youtube vids).
PC gives 3/1 profit margins over consoles when it comes to digital distribution and especially the lack of fees to Sony or Microsoft. In other words, three console titles only bring in the same profit as one PC title bought via. Digital Distribution (i.e. Steam). This is a HUGE incentive for Crytek to get back into heavy PC development with Crysis 3. To see a game launch on three platforms that barely beat out its predecessor in month one sales and will not beat it in total sales, is pretty disappointing. Crytek, that is what happens when you backstab your roots. Maybe next game you will learn some respect. In fact, Crysis 2 was pirated first on consoles... that is entirely reperesentative of a skewed "PC PIRACY" opinion of Cevat Yerli.
Crytek.. You have every reason to make Crysis 3 a PC EXCLUSIVE. Reap your console sales off of other titles like Kingdoms or whatever. Leave Crysis to the PC community and you will see the benefits in even sales... Crysis 2 has proved that multiplatform doesn't equal higher sales in all cases and I hope it is a learning lesson for you Crytek.
Some tips for Crysis 3:
-Latest DirectX version AT LAUNCH
-x64 support
-Mod tools on release
-Public Dedicated Servers
-Innovative Multiplayer (Crysis roots)
I hope you all keep this in mind and any replies will be awesome! Crysis 2 has proven what can and will go wrong when a company takes the wrong idea with "multiplatform" and sees $$$ signs. Crytek, you have a ton of reputation to regain with Crysis 3... Please take the right steps towards it and you will once again see proper $$$ from the PC community. It is sad that only a month from Crysis 2 that we already see the need to talk about Crysis 3. Learn from your mistakes and return to your roots with Crysis 3 please.
- Far Cry, Crysis, and Crysis Warhead player, and a proud non-owner of Crysis 2.
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