[Petition] Please Make Crysis 3 PC Exclusive/Focused!

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:40 am

****SIGN HERE*** http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/Crysis-3-PC/ ***SIGN HERE***

A thread to show your support for a Crysis 3 "back to roots" PC exclusive!


Crytek originally left off of Crysis 1 with the complaint of poor sales and piracy issues, claiming that multiplatformism would solve this. Unfortunately for Crytek, it seems their "sales plan" with Crysis 2 failed. Now, Crysis 2 actually has success in that it beats out Crysis 1 in first month sales, but it will not beat out Crysis 1 overall. Crysis 2 has approx. 1.2 million sales (i took PC retail and doubled it to account for digital) while Crysis 1 had approx 1 million. The huge difference is that Crysis 2 does not have the long term support of the community like Crysis 1 had which in the end, gave it over 3.5 million sales! Crysis 2 sales have already leveled off and will shortly die off completely, with a little burst for DX11 and then sputtered out entirely. Consoles do not have the higher profit margins of Digital Distribution, they do not have the high benefit of long-term sales, and they do not have the benefit of "easy advertising" (pretty much, you need to spend lots more money to get a good sale on console while PC is okay with youtube vids).

PC gives 3/1 profit margins over consoles when it comes to digital distribution and especially the lack of fees to Sony or Microsoft. In other words, three console titles only bring in the same profit as one PC title bought via. Digital Distribution (i.e. Steam). This is a HUGE incentive for Crytek to get back into heavy PC development with Crysis 3. To see a game launch on three platforms that barely beat out its predecessor in month one sales and will not beat it in total sales, is pretty disappointing. Crytek, that is what happens when you backstab your roots. Maybe next game you will learn some respect. In fact, Crysis 2 was pirated first on consoles... that is entirely reperesentative of a skewed "PC PIRACY" opinion of Cevat Yerli.

Crytek.. You have every reason to make Crysis 3 a PC EXCLUSIVE. Reap your console sales off of other titles like Kingdoms or whatever. Leave Crysis to the PC community and you will see the benefits in even sales... Crysis 2 has proved that multiplatform doesn't equal higher sales in all cases and I hope it is a learning lesson for you Crytek.

Some tips for Crysis 3:

-Latest DirectX version AT LAUNCH
-x64 support
-Mod tools on release
-Public Dedicated Servers
-Innovative Multiplayer (Crysis roots)

I hope you all keep this in mind and any replies will be awesome! Crysis 2 has proven what can and will go wrong when a company takes the wrong idea with "multiplatform" and sees $$$ signs. Crytek, you have a ton of reputation to regain with Crysis 3... Please take the right steps towards it and you will once again see proper $$$ from the PC community. It is sad that only a month from Crysis 2 that we already see the need to talk about Crysis 3. Learn from your mistakes and return to your roots with Crysis 3 please.


- Far Cry, Crysis, and Crysis Warhead player, and a proud non-owner of Crysis 2.

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:09 am

Talon, I hope this isn't your last post on this forum.
I posted something about "back to roots" 1 year ago .. I saw something like this happening :(
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:23 am

What make you so sure the game would not have looked so bad even if it was exclusive? Crytek was not JUST looking at the console market, they wanted the game to look equally amazing on MOST PCs as well as consoles. They wanted this game to be playable and look just as good on a $300 PC as well as a $2000 PC EQUALLY. So if they took consoles out i am not convinced that the game would look any different. They did not want to have the $2000 PC to have all the fun and the $300 PCs left out.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:08 pm

That's the problem ..
"EQUALLY" .. I hope, the DX11 patch will add better textures so the people with better PCs benefit from that.
Also: What's so difficult to create a game for both parties, the one with Lowend PCs and High End PCs?
Low Res & High Res Textures
Bad Physics & Good Physics
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Penny Courture
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:07 am

What make you so sure the game would not have looked so bad even if it was exclusive? Crytek was not JUST looking at the console market, they wanted the game to look equally amazing on MOST PCs as well as consoles. They wanted this game to be playable and look just as good on a $300 PC as well as a $2000 PC EQUALLY. So if they took consoles out i am not convinced that the game would look any different. They did not want to have the $2000 PC to have all the fun and the $300 PCs left out.
Making "optimised" game was just an excuse for making a console game! They don't give a f* about low end PC users, they just want money, and pirates rules the PC market, so they turned to consoles and still **** up the original game with garbage (in comparison with (r) Crysis).

+1 to thread author's post ;)

and btw: if Crytek with Crysis 3 wants to make "equal" experience and game quality to both PC and console users, they need to wait for PS4 and xBox720 to come out...

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:43 am

i'll by 3 disks =D
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brandon frier
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:22 pm

That's the problem ..
"EQUALLY" .. I hope, the DX11 patch will add better textures so the people with better PCs benefit from that.
Also: What's so difficult to create a game for both parties, the one with Lowend PCs and High End PCs?
Low Res & High Res Textures
Bad Physics & Good Physics

MONEY is the difficulty. it already costs TONS of money to make a game for multiplatform. i cant image adding a 4th platform (that being low end PCs) to the mix.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:05 am

"We definitely want to make Crysis 3. I'm not making a formal announcement. We'd like to make Crysis 3 but the second game needs to be successful first. I will mention that there is a plan for how the fiction of Crysis should roll out, but again, it depends on the success of Crysis 2."


Well we won't be seeing a crysis 3...
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:17 am

Where did I mention graphics?

I couldn't care less about the graphics if the gameplay is crap and scaled down like Crysis 2.

Also, scaling down is 50000% easier than scaling up like Crytek tried and failed to do. It is much easier to simply "lower" the graphics for lower end PC's than to "raise" them for higher end PC's by trying to develop on an entirely new API. DirectX11 contains the support to scale down for DX9, but it obviously cannot work the other way around without extra manpower.

Crysis 2 saw very low sales from the PC platform but that is because many many people were turned off by its gameplay decisions and post launch reception. It is not representative of potential sales! Keep up the support for this and hopefully Crytek will consider our reasons for making Crysis 3 a "back to roots" PC exclusive!

I mean heck, when Crysis 2 is already down to the same playercounts Crysis Wars had after a year... That is entirely representative of its quality.

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:02 pm

Lol who are you asking crysis 3 to be pc exclusive? I personally dissapointed with crysis 2 but i dont think they will just go and make their next game a pc exclusive.

Its better if they're actually putting more effort on the pc version and not just port it from the goddamn console version. And work more on the story goddamit, we want a sequel to crysis 1 and not a goddamn reboot. How could you change the story like that after you tease us with a good ending in crysis 1?

Oh and people, please stop talking about sales figure as if you're an expert cause you're not. You don't know how much they spent on cryengine, you don't know how much they spent developing the game, and you don't know how much exactly crysis' sales figure or how much money they get from crysis 1 sales, so shut up and stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

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Lucky Boy
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:04 am

I don't understand why dev teams don't go PC exclusive, sure consoles have the money but they don't have much and the fanbases from PC exclusive games are much more loyal than console fanbases, in my experience
surely a dev team would enjoy creating a game on recent soft ware, rather than creating ANOTHER game on consoles dino software?
just seems weird to me

That is all the motivation they need. this is a money driven world.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:45 am

I don't understand why dev teams don't go PC exclusive, sure consoles have the money but they don't have much and the fanbases from PC exclusive games are much more loyal than console fanbases, in my experience
surely a dev team would enjoy creating a game on recent soft ware, rather than creating ANOTHER game on consoles dino software?
just seems weird to me

That is all the motivation they need. this is a money driven world.

Yet they are making less money off of Crysis 2... PC DD sales has three times the profit of a retail console title. If anything, the motivation should be on PC again when it comes towards sales... DICE is the latest developer to recognize this.

@Vivec: Well, they decided on a whim to make Crysis 2 a heavy console game. No reason after seeing its results and *ahem* "failure", on deciding on a whim to go back to what is a more profitable market for Crytek.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:31 am


also, lol, never going to happen
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danni Marchant
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:25 pm


also, lol, never going to happen

LOL, I would have said the same thing at Crysis launch about the series becoming multiplatform. :(
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:49 am

Crysis 3 can lick my balls.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:10 pm


Wow dude, I didn't expect you to return to these forums after I utterly and singlehandedly destroyed near every single piece of pathetic crap argument at me. I thought for sure you would have cried off and stayed off BUT i was wrong lol. Whoa...I was wrong...on these forums? Rare.

Anyways, that video with Cevat Yerli.....it's true but Cevat stated that Crysis 1 can't be done on consoles (gameplay wise too as well) due to memory. But that's why Crytek made Crysis 2 and wait look at this....it works on consoles, plays good on consoles, plays BETTER than Crysis 1 (only issue=smaller coreographed sandbox than the first game which had big coregraphed sandbox), has more diversity, a good multiplayer, and is a great PC game (which i should note, has better textures than the console counterparts. The weak PC textures was on purpose to enhance PC optimization. Not console. The consoles have WORSE textures. Crytek got complaints before that "DERP I CANT RUN THE GAME" with Crysis 1 so they wanted to ensure that doesn't happen with Crysis 2...too bad now they get **** hypocrits saying "DERP THE GAME IS TOO **** EASY TO RUN"). Now I already managed to make you look like a fool proving you wrong when you doubted DX11, fixes, and etc. etc. blah blah.....

Thing is, Crysis 2, PC exclusive or not, would be exactly how it is RIGHT NOW just on PC, NO DIFFERENCE. Well, the only difference would be DX11 would be finished and no bugs would be put in because any time worrying about specific limitations and complications due to the weaker factors (consoles) would not have to be done thus giving more time for polishing. But the core of Crysis 2, would be the same. THIS is the game Cevat Yerli wanted Crysis 1 to be; A fun robust experience with high intense action feeling like a cinematic movie. And Crysis 2 being in New York was set and done before it was decided the game was to be multiplatform.

Thus, Crysis 3 as a PC exclusive would make no difference, and exclusivity is **** stupid for any platform, seriously. Who cares about exclusivity, IMO, every game should be multiplatform. There should actually only be ONE PC, and two consoles. A casual console and hardcoe console. The consoles are for gamers who want the easy and cheap way out and PC gaming for the gamers willing to get what they pay for.

You're threads are a waste of space.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:09 am

You know what would be cool is if they released PC exclusive expansion packs with more open multiplayer maps and game modes (like power struggle on larger maps).

Don't know how old that video is but he did make fair points about the console memory, at the end of the day they are a commercial games developer not an open source PC project. They could make things PC only but that wouldn't get them the sales (which the console sales were significantly larger than PC).
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Isabella X
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:51 am

Dice have got it right with BF3... they are catering to all 3 platforms and are still giving the PC players a PC game, with bigger maps and twise the amount of players per server than the consoles... and it looks really good. Crytek WILL NOT make Crysis 3 for PC only, why would they... just to cheer up the PC players that wern't happy with Crysis 2? get real! they have now got to cater for the Xbox 360 and PS3 players now as well as the PC players. If anything, to make everyone happy, they should just take a leaf out of Dice's book and give the players what they can... give the PC players severs with 64 players, bigger maps... give us prone, DX11, better physics... what ever, just don't limit the game so it's the same for all platforms. I'm not saying they should pull the plug on the consoles at all, Crysis 2 is doing really well on the consoles... and it's grate that everyone can play this really fun game, but I would like a fully fledged PC game.

So... Don't make Crysis 3 'PC exclusive'... but don't limit the game to console standards.

Could you imagine if Crytek and Dice teamed up for a game? wow! :L
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:39 pm

That's the problem ..
"EQUALLY" .. I hope, the DX11 patch will add better textures so the people with better PCs benefit from that.
Also: What's so difficult to create a game for both parties, the one with Lowend PCs and High End PCs?
Low Res & High Res Textures
Bad Physics & Good Physics

MONEY is the difficulty. it already costs TONS of money to make a game for multiplatform. i cant image adding a 4th platform (that being low end PCs) to the mix.

Extra platform? Thats a little melodramatic don't you think? Windows is the platform.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:38 am

A Once PC exclusive that went multiplat only to go back to PC again, has this ever happened to a game people actually cared about/a good game? I doubt this will ever happen.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:10 am

THE BEST thing CRYTEK can do in order to make an EXPLOSIVe sale and regain their fame of the blockbuster game is to remake the script and basicly the entire game, take it all from beginning! Like.... taking the action from where they left it ( nomad going after prophet on the island) and make it a 2 in 1 game with more hours of SP campaign , SAME STORYLINE not AN ENTIRE new game and many many fixes that would take me pages to descripe!

BUT ONE THING IS ESSENTIAL: KEEP NOMAD! you know what you guys did? believe it or not this has a huge impact over the game ! little things make it big! IT's like ... after matrix was released you put another guy instead of keanu reevs or NEO in Matrix Reloaded! Nomad was SPEAKING ! i had an interaction with the character! it transmitted me something! Alcatraz was like ROBOCOP! and etc etc etc! don't wanna go into the review again!

Crysis 2 left me cold cold cold! plus the 6 hours gameplay.... I STILL DON'T BELIEVE THIS IS CRYSIS 2 and it is just a CONSOLE version of CRYSIS! by changing not only the entire CORE of the game but everything in it you made it something else! Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 has absolutely NO SIMILARITIES AT ALL! NONE ! ZERO! Once you have released such a uncrossable masterpiece with first CRYSIS it is very hard to improve it if you dont rely on the core! sure there are some games out there that went better by every part! like assassins creed ! But these things are rare! AC1 < AC2
CEVAT ... if you ever wanna RISE again and money truly didn't changed your SOUL, HIT US WITH YOUR BEST SHOT in Crysis 3! ( but not in 4-5 years)
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Elena Alina
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:41 pm


Wow dude, I didn't expect you to return to these forums after I utterly and singlehandedly destroyed near every single piece of pathetic crap argument at me. I thought for sure you would have cried off and stayed off BUT i was wrong lol. Whoa...I was wrong...on these forums? Rare.

Anyways, that video with Cevat Yerli.....it's true but Cevat stated that Crysis 1 can't be done on consoles (gameplay wise too as well) due to memory. But that's why Crytek made Crysis 2 and wait look at this....it works on consoles, plays good on consoles, plays BETTER than Crysis 1 (only issue=smaller coreographed sandbox than the first game which had big coregraphed sandbox), has more diversity, a good multiplayer, and is a great PC game (which i should note, has better textures than the console counterparts. The weak PC textures was on purpose to enhance PC optimization. Not console. The consoles have WORSE textures. Crytek got complaints before that "DERP I CANT RUN THE GAME" with Crysis 1 so they wanted to ensure that doesn't happen with Crysis 2...too bad now they get **** hypocrits saying "DERP THE GAME IS TOO **** EASY TO RUN"). Now I already managed to make you look like a fool proving you wrong when you doubted DX11, fixes, and etc. etc. blah blah.....

Thing is, Crysis 2, PC exclusive or not, would be exactly how it is RIGHT NOW just on PC, NO DIFFERENCE. Well, the only difference would be DX11 would be finished and no bugs would be put in because any time worrying about specific limitations and complications due to the weaker factors (consoles) would not have to be done thus giving more time for polishing. But the core of Crysis 2, would be the same. THIS is the game Cevat Yerli wanted Crysis 1 to be; A fun robust experience with high intense action feeling like a cinematic movie. And Crysis 2 being in New York was set and done before it was decided the game was to be multiplatform.

Thus, Crysis 3 as a PC exclusive would make no difference, and exclusivity is **** stupid for any platform, seriously. Who cares about exclusivity, IMO, every game should be multiplatform. There should actually only be ONE PC, and two consoles. A casual console and hardcoe console. The consoles are for gamers who want the easy and cheap way out and PC gaming for the gamers willing to get what they pay for.

You're threads are a waste of space.

Did you even read the OP? I did not even mention anything about graphics other than DirectX support. Half your argument doesn't even apply to this thread... LOL.

If you sincerely believe that Crysis 2 wouldn't have been radically different if it was a PC exclusive title, then you are highly dilusional or misinformed.

Crysis 2 has good gameplay? That is surely subjective, sir. All I did in this thread was give the profitability reasons for Crytek to have a great incentive to return to the PC scene. You sir, have a fail argument.

Try and read the damn OP or don't post with your subjective fanboi rage. I could have added paragraphs upon paragraphs of subjective opinion but decided to refrain from it as that is not what this thread is about!

Your account is a waste of KB and Internet Bandwith. You are so caught up with trying to argue with me (for no real reason other than to argue) and win that argument, than to simply have a civilized discussion and actually discuss the real topic at hand. If you aren't going to address the points or topic idea of the OP then don't post.

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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 am

go **** yourself
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:49 am

As much as I want Crysis 3 to be pc exclusive, its not going to happen.
Crytek is doing just fine without its core fanbase.

Look at console forums, the kids their are begging to get a change to spend their parents money on some overpriced DLCs.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:35 am

What make you so sure the game would not have looked so bad even if it was exclusive? Crytek was not JUST looking at the console market, they wanted the game to look equally amazing on MOST PCs as well as consoles. They wanted this game to be playable and look just as good on a $300 PC as well as a $2000 PC EQUALLY. So if they took consoles out i am not convinced that the game would look any different. They did not want to have the $2000 PC to have all the fun and the $300 PCs left out.That is the most retarded thing anyone could do. Why would you punish someone who spent $2000 dollars to play games on max, because other people only spend $500.

That's like telling a racer with the best car in a race (that costs 4 times the amount as any other car on the track) that they are only allowed to go as fast as everyone else on the track because they can only physically go that speed.

4th platform (that being low end PCs) to the mix.You are f**king retarded. As Talon95 said: Also, scaling down is 50000% easier than scaling up like Crytek tried and failed to do.

I remember reading on the forums here something like there were hires textures in the demo/leaked version (not active) that were the same as those in the full game, however in the full game they had been reduced and optimised (which takes up more time and money than just leaving the freaking textures alone). It doesn't seem like money was a freaking difficulty then, did it.

Crytek got complaints before that "DERP I CANT RUN THE GAME" with Crysis 1 so they wanted to ensure that doesn't happen with Crysis 2...too bad now they get **** hypocrits saying "DERP THE GAME IS TOO **** EASY TO RUN"Because it is years later, douchebag. I swear to god, you throw logic out the window half the time. Back then graphics cards were, what, 512 mb? Max 1GB? Now we have an average of 1 GB and max of 2 GB. Of course people would have complained back then, and of course people are going to be hypocritically complaining now. If some guy in front of his computer can figure that out, I'm sure a freaking game dev can.


Wow dude, I didn't expect you to return to these forums after I utterly and singlehandedly destroyed near every single piece of pathetic crap argument at me. I thought for sure you would have cried off and stayed off BUT i was wrong lol. Whoa...I was wrong...on these forums? Rare.

Anyways, that video with Cevat Yerli.....it's true but Cevat stated that Crysis 1 can't be done on consoles (gameplay wise too as well) due to memory. But that's why Crytek made Crysis 2 and wait look at this....it works on consoles, plays good on consoles, plays BETTER than Crysis 1 (only issue=smaller coreographed sandbox than the first game which had big coregraphed sandbox), has more diversity, a good multiplayer, and is a great PC game (which i should note, has better textures than the console counterparts. The weak PC textures was on purpose to enhance PC optimization. Not console. The consoles have WORSE textures. Crytek got complaints before that "DERP I CANT RUN THE GAME" with Crysis 1 so they wanted to ensure that doesn't happen with Crysis 2...too bad now they get **** hypocrits saying "DERP THE GAME IS TOO **** EASY TO RUN"). Now I already managed to make you look like a fool proving you wrong when you doubted DX11, fixes, and etc. etc. blah blah.....

Thing is, Crysis 2, PC exclusive or not, would be exactly how it is RIGHT NOW just on PC, NO DIFFERENCE. Well, the only difference would be DX11 would be finished and no bugs would be put in because any time worrying about specific limitations and complications due to the weaker factors (consoles) would not have to be done thus giving more time for polishing. But the core of Crysis 2, would be the same. THIS is the game Cevat Yerli wanted Crysis 1 to be; A fun robust experience with high intense action feeling like a cinematic movie. And Crysis 2 being in New York was set and done before it was decided the game was to be multiplatform.

Thus, Crysis 3 as a PC exclusive would make no difference, and exclusivity is **** stupid for any platform, seriously. Who cares about exclusivity, IMO, every game should be multiplatform. There should actually only be ONE PC, and two consoles. A casual console and hardcoe console. The consoles are for gamers who want the easy and cheap way out and PC gaming for the gamers willing to get what they pay for.

You're threads are a waste of space.And no wonder Crytek threw their piece of **** out into the market: they knew illogical idiots like you would be there with open arms just waiting to gobble their turd up.

Might I refer you to here? http://illogicopedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

I like what Talon95 wrote:
If you sincerely believe that Crysis 2 wouldn't have been radically different if it was a PC exclusive title, then you are highly dilusional or misinformed.
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Matt Bigelow
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