Please make this game HARDER!

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:39 am

I'm playing on SURVIVAL DIFFICULTY.......

And it's simply too easy.

1) there are way too many resources available in the world, far too much. You should have to really scavenge to survive. This is the main problem. I think if I didn't have so many supplies to fall back on I would feel combat would be tougher and more tense.

2) Enemy damage and amount of damage you deal is ok on Survival, but I could still stand enemies doing a little more damage to me. As for talk of enemies being bullet sponges on this difficulty, I disagree, it feels about right - and only Legendary enemies have I found to fit that label but even till I haven't encountered anything too tough...

3) am dying for th inclusion of Food, Drink, Sleep survival elements ....... Pretty please Bethesda....?!

Please Bethesada - give us an update where we could customise the difficulty to our liking!
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:46 am

You must have set your game on Survival not long ago I suppose, I had to set back the game on Normal because the first Deathclaw in Concorde was such a bullet sponge that I had no ammo left on the mini-gun, emptying a whole ammution of mini-gun for a single Deathclaw, I'm more than okay with them taking damage but this was really too much, especially so early in the game. Needless to say my poor pipegun or 10mm pistol wouldn't have changed anything.

I went to Very Hard this time, keeps the game more realistic and balanced (not too much legendaries or legendaries that die and then " X has mutated (again?)" to full health again.

The damage is ok, even on Survival (played until lvl 13 but I restarted a new game).

I agree that there should be a hardcoe mode just like Obsidian did. In this time of game, it feels right.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:26 am

Wait till you fight a behemoth or mirelurks queen... I'm on survival and nukes bounce right off them...
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:41 am

One point I would like to make about rescources, is that if you are going to build a big/advanced settlement,

let alone several smaller ones like the game suggest, then you are really going to need every little piece of loot.

If you are big on modding weapon/armor like I am on top of that, then the grind for loot would become unbearable.

Another thing is: mods will come for that.
If you want to make it harder on yourself, then just dont bring any healing items in the field,

or make a ′weak′ build. You have options to ′roleplay′ your game harder.

I do feel like they could tweak the vendor prices though.

It is a bit easy to buy all the ammo/weapons you need, and you find quite a lot as well.



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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:31 am

I think that the damage could be twice what it is, so that you actually have to avoid taking damage instead of just tanking it. Will probably do that once you can mod it more. Would love a mod like frostfall or whatever it was called for skyrim, really helps with the immersion.

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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:14 am

bethesda has been making difficulty like that since morrowind you put up the difficulty and your attacks become weaker and there attack and defense becomes stronger. People have complained about that forever and then albino scorpions and ghoul reavers happened...
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