Please give up on your fail (for MMO) UI. Oh well if you alienate your base, you think they are going to carry you to WoW status? No. As I said in an earlier post (slightly modified)...
Movement bindings/options are a killer for me. I love everything else about the game, graphics (fav), story (awesome), quest-lines (although you need a minimap option). It might all work great on a game controller, but I'm playing with a keyboard and mouse. I think camera left / right should not be an unchangeable mouse motion event, and there should also be a rotate character, and maybe even a toolbar (once I free up the mouse to click on what I want to do). Your defaults are fine for everyone used to it, but if you want to attract the entire market, give us the option to completely change this. A mouse and it's cursor are for doing multiple things, by design, not one thing (that I have to keep lifting up the mouse and moving it to do).
Like I said, I love everything else about this game, but if I can't get motion and camera control that is even close to what I'm used to (wow), then it's not something I'm going to buy. You have 80 million attributes for appearance, you can't add a few more options for motion and camera control? If you want to do business like the big boys out there, and charge $15 a month, you need to fix these issues.