Firstly may I say I do not hate Steam.
Please would it be possible some time to have a poll that you could show Bethesda.
Could it possibly just be something like 'would you like to also have the option of non steam activated physical copies'
I know it was part of the poll you guys did, but everybody was so you hate/ blah blah.
The sad thing is that anyone voting is already online.
Maybe you could remind them that there are millions out there with internet issues. Not Steam issues per se.
Could we not find it in our minds, to be able to open them to anything not in our own little comfort zones.
I'm sure that of those millions, 100's of 1000s of them are gamers.
If we can show Bethesda before it is 'too late' in dev. time to make the difference, maybe just maybe they will have a look at it.
I am sorry that I made a thread to ask, I am not familiar with the system yet.
Thank you.