Just get rid of efficient leveling plz, its annoying.
Just give us all the same amount of bonuses but only give us choices between our most used skills. Not +3 or +1, just +5 but only to the mostly used skills.
That would be extremely unbalanced because then you would have maxed out all of your attributes by the time you reach lvl cap.
If raising your skills automatically raised your attributes, there would be no OCD spreadsheet leveling, or really any leveling. You'd just get better at the things you do.
Agreed. However there is very little difference in an attribute getting a +3 in the background at level up or you choosing a +3 at lvl up.
What I'm shooting for is a system that does not reward grinding and instead reflect the way I play, which is something the current leveling system tries to do, but it fails at achieving in the end, in my opinion, because it punishes you in arbitrary ways.
Well, in
my opinion the current leveling system fails you because you consider anything less than maximum gain a punishment. Strength as an example: The problem with getting a +5 is that you need to achieve 5 skill level ups between character levels. That is not easy to do when only three skills are governed by strength and they are all unrelated, Blade, Blunt and Hand to Hand.
You are perfectly fine with it, and that's ok, since its all a matter of of opinion. There have been plenty of suggestions on the board to deal with leveling, and plenty of mods out there that prove that an alternative to stats multipliers is possible and makes for a much better level progression, without the need to put points where they haven't been earned.
I'm not disagreeing that the leveling system needs an overhaul, I'm opposed to eliminating the train it to level it premise. As demonstrated above stat multipliers aren't your problem, it's a lack of skills.That is why I proposed http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1152580-the-attribute-list-trim-down/page__view__findpost__p__16873351.
the problem is that as you level up and up you get weaker and weaker in comparison to the npcs
That is not the leveling system's fault it's because of NPC level scaling which Bethesda has stated was a mistake and wouldn't happen again. So that is a mute point.