Mounts were not useless in Oblivion.
^This^ Xarnac begins his winning of the thread.
Say what? Shadowmere was fast as hell and useful. This is a good reason to remove speed and athletics, too fast of run speed. Or maybe someone didn't even try to ride Shadowmere *cough*
Shadowmere was the horse that saved horses in Oblivion. Without her, I would have been very disappointed.
Pleease NO mounts in Skyrim,
One out of the best 10+ things on the top of my head they could announce for Skyrim is "There will be no mounts in Skyrim".
Ummm, wtf is wrong with you? That has to be the stupidest idea I've heard in a while here. You don't even have a logical reason for it, either. I won't even get into how ridiculous it is that YOU don't want something, so it shouldn't exist. For instance, I don't want stupid people to exist, but more are added every day. Funny how life is like that, huh?
If they are in. I would hope there can be a wait/follow command. Thus avoiding stalking.
And finally......THIS leads me to my point on this thread.
POINT: Yet again, I will bring up that which is so obvious it's astounding. When Todd said they want to do mounts really well, especially considering how they have been done in recent games, among the references such as Red Dead, there is also the perfect example of Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. ACB has the perfect horse system to please the entire crowd here. To explain it all would take too much time, so I simply refer you to the game it self, or Youtube if you're in the horrible state of not already owning it.
Key examples, though - Perfect horse animation, sounds, art design, mounted combat for both melee and ranged, excellent maneuverability, jumping over obstacles and huge gaps with ease, huge travel speed boost, different speeds and health of horses(like OB), armored horses (lolz, like OB), horses can fall when struck in the legs: throwing you off, horses can attack nearby enemies (like OB), and the absolute best feature relating to this thread is the call system - When your horse is with you and near you, it tries to stay close, until you go off on your own or engage in major combat. After the horse is gone, you're on your own. And after a simple button press, you can whistle and call the horse back to you, sending it galloping to your side whenever you need it. This can be done with any horse you have, from a stable or taken from a guard, person, etc. And when you're done with it, it will be back in "the stable", until you have need of it again.
This system is literally the best I've seen, and applies to TES better because it involves melee combat more heavily than gunfighting like Red Dead. If Todd says they want horses to be on par with the best in the market today, this is it. (obviously not counting Mount and Blade, as I'm sure someone will mention) So, if they are working on horses for us, this is what they should (and probably will) be like. Not to mention the incredible inconsistency they would create by having horses appear in the game to serve apparently no purpose. It would be feasible to remove them entirely, yes, but then having them in the trailer would become a huge faux pas. Not to mention there is already work on their concept art depicting a lone warrior leading a horse with a saddle and heavy amounts of gear for travel.