Take Shadowmere, for instance. In Oblivion, I completed a quest for the Dark Brotherhood and Lucien... urrrh sorry, Mr. Lachance (respect thy mafiosi, and all that), rewarded me with Shadowmere. Now, I'm not the one to ignore an offer I shouldn't refuse. But as a person who sees horses in Oblivion as more or less dead weight that just gets in the way, I found the rewrd to be rather pointless.
Fair enough, the reward was there. But a few more hours into the game, I got kinda effing fed up by that horse that refused to stay in the stables of a town. Everywhere I went, that immortal horse popped out of the woodwork. At least the Priory Horse had the good sense to DIE DIE DIE when I impaled it with my blade after getting fed up by it always appearing next to me. But as y'all know, Shadowmere is invulnerable. He cannot die.
So, to my point:
Could you fine guys over at Bethesda please make a better effort of scripting the horse so that it STAYS at the gold dame stables whenever I leave it there? That way, people like me will be able to leave it there to rot, without making the game worse for the average stud-and-mare fetishist out there. But that's the thing, I'm more into latex fashion myself, but do you see me crying? noooo. Anyways, I'd imagine that you'd want to cater to both player groups - those who wanna ride and those who prefer walking on foot.
Please remove the horses' pathological compulsion to always stand next to you in thick and thin. I do have an intimate zone, you know...