Please need your help asap to move on fallout 4

Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:55 pm

so i just got the holotape back from proctor ingram and first of all it won't let me start the "liberty reprimed" quest because it keeps only bringing up the holotape dialogue with her, and so i thought i could just complete the holotape quest and give it to sturges to fix that, but it won't let me do anything with sturges other than press talk, he just replies scripted stuff like the "my daddy taught me duct tape could fix anything" crap and i can't give him the tape. anyone else run into this?

It keeps repeating the dialogue with Ingram

What can I do?

My console is PS4 and I am stuck no other quests and can't pickpocket her
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:10 pm

Hopefully a moderator will move this to the spoiler section as it is laced with them. As for a solution, it could be that if a quest won't start that you expect to start, there are other conditions that have not been met (or other conditions that have delayed/prevented the quest from starting).

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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:41 am

Thank you very much for your reply; do I need to move it to another section?

I did not get what you said, what can I do? I guess I can't move on as there is no solution for this.

I finished everything but unfortunately can't finish liberty reprimed/inside job because of this network holotape :( can't get it so can't move on.

Oh crap.
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:54 pm

Load a save from before you started the quest, so the game can reload the entire quest arc.

Hopefully you haven't been relying on quicksave/autosave alone.

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GEo LIme
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:04 pm

Unfortunately won't work :(

No other options?

I don't know why she can't give me the holotape and we are done?

So can't go further I guess :( :(

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:17 am

Putting some spoiler tags here so I can suggest / question ---- use [ spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ] without the spaces, around the things you want to hide under spoiler tags.


I may be mis-reading this, but I think you handed the holotape to the Brotherhood that has instructions on how to build a Relay that will let you teleport into the Institute. If you then LATER try to have the Minutemen help you, Sturges won't have anything but his stock reply, as you saw. That's because when you gave the holotape to the Brotherhood, you chose them to help you create the Relay interceptor device that would let you teleport into the Institute.

You have to create the Relay interceptor thingie at one of your bases. I had the Railroad help me, so they told me to go to this settlement where I had set up a Railroad safehouse and Desdemona and Tinker Tom showed up there to walk me through the final stages of creating it and then sending me into the Institute. If you sided with the Brotherhood, presumably Proctor Ingram and someone else maybe, will show up at the chosen Settlement to walk you through the final stages.

If you have already DONE this, then I don't know what holotape you mean, or why she won't give you the Liberty Reprimed quest. But if you have not yet created the Relay Intercept and gone to the Institute.... THAT may be what's blocking you.

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sarah taylor
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:25 pm


I will explain

At the moment I have only 2 quests which cannot be finished and don't know why > maybe glitch!?

I went to the institute with the help of Minutemen and I used something called network scanner holotape to load some data and within a quest I gave to Ingram lady but know Sturges needs it back to anolyze it and therefore ending inside job but unfortunately when I speak to Ingram lady to get the network scanner holotape; she said ok but get nothing and it keeps repeating the dialogue so I'm stuck with this and can't go to the next quest.

For the liberty reprimed quest, when I speak to Ingram about her project the same dialogue comes???? WTF :]

So both quests mixing up together :( :( so crap

The best game ending here nooooooooooooooooo

I hope it's clear and at the moment there is no institute as there are my permanent enemies :) so what is going on?

I want to go further and don't want to repeat everything nooooo

Hope there is a solution

I don't know an order or something in playing the quests ...

Thanks guys in advance
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:33 pm

Hm. Last night I ran through the BoS ending (having already done Institute and Railroad previously) so let me think about this---

If you open your quest journal, there should be directives in the right panel showing you what you need to do. For the Liberty Prime mission, the first step is to get a magnet from a hospital,I believe. That might be the top-most, uncompleted objective in the list of objectives in the right panel for that mission. If it is, then you have to go do that to advance that quest.

For the holotape thing, I went back to Ingram and asked her to give me the holotape and she asked me why and I told her that the minutemen could use it and she said Okay and gave me the holotape (after making a copy for herself)... and I then took that to Sturges....

I don't remember the order in which I did things, but if Ingram won't give you the holotape (or even talk about it) then you might have to do the Liberty Prime mission first to 'clear" her so that she'll talk about something else.

If you click on a mission and hover over it for a second, the animated picture in the upper right panel will eventually change to TEXT that gives a short description, and as I said, there should be a pretty short list indicating your immediate next task.

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Alexander Lee
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:35 pm

Let me make everything more clear:

I still have 2 quests that have no relation to each other:-

1/ liberty reprimed; what I have in my data is just speak to proctor lady > follow proctor lady and now speak to proctor lady but when I speak to her about her fu**en project she tells me the same dialogue as the inside job crap!!!!

2/ inside job; I need at the moment to retrieve this crap network scanner holotape to get it to Sturges but when I speak to her she said OK take the original I made a copy but nothing received and it keeps repeating the same dialogue!!!


I have finished all quests except those 2 and I can never finish the recruitment for minutemen before finishing inside job :( oh crap

I know it's complicated but what can I do? It's not logic there are no solutions :( people of PC have found a solution for such a problem but we PS4 gamers what the hell :( :(

Want to keep on playing fallout 4 :(

Please need your help
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:07 pm

Do you think that here is a solution?

Or it's the end unfortunately :( so my game ends here :(

Thanks for help guys
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:15 pm

I would say you are bugged. If I remember Ingram will give you the same Inside Job quest or something just like it. Get the same quest from RR as well. Being on console you will have to reload a earlier save.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:54 pm

Hm... I don't recall actually getting anything tangible back from Proctor Ingram; she said that line you sort-of quoted, about "here is the original, I kept a copy".... and after that, I just went and talked to Sturges and he advanced that quest from there.

Note that Sturges may be the problem. Sometimes an NPC will start talking random stuff when you click on them and you have to wait for them to finish their pithy observation and then try talking to them again. And one time, Mama Murphy kicked it before I could talk to Sturges and he spent well over 26 hours staring at her body and would not reply to me at all. It's also possible you assigned him to some settlement job that is somehow conflicting with his dialog? Like is he set up as a trader or provisioner or something? Set him to be a farmer or a scrapper/salvager and see if that 'frees him up" maybe. Otherwise, I dunno. =/

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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:54 pm

Hhhhhhhhh I killed her:) then I took it the holotape [censored] but unfortunately I am a permanent enemy with brotherhood of steel... [censored] I am sorry

I finished the game but I have a goal to get a platinum trophy but I have the Institute and the brotherhood as enemies so I will do the game again :(

Another question :

I have not had any quests from the railroad? How come?

Thanks guys.
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