Maybe everything he's asked for will be in Fallout 4. I like to think of it as a Christmas list, and Bethesda is Santa Clause lol.
Maybe everything he's asked for will be in Fallout 4. I like to think of it as a Christmas list, and Bethesda is Santa Clause lol.
And now we go on the realm of opinon and personal taste. Saying "good dialogue" is a vague description because we all expect good dialogue in general but going deeper into that notion the discussion changes. And the Fallout games, including Fallout 4, are not JUST about action. Maybe people who make these posts should take the time to remove their nostalgia glasses and look at it from a fresh perspective.
Evolve by means of what makes them the most green.
I'm not sure why you're worried about Dogmeat being immortal. He's just 'essential' while he's an active companion, i.e. he goes unconcious instead of dying when his health gets too low. You can kill him instead of recruiting him, if you want. This is exactly how New Vegas handled companions, by the way (if not playing hardcoe mode).
There is no evidence to suggest that we no longer have stats that are used to denote what our characters are good at. 'Skills' just aren't called 'Skills' anymore. Stat checks (like the Perception check you mentioned) will still exist, and in fact SPECIAL is likely to be more important than it was in the last two games. Previous skills like Science now exist as ranked perks, and there will certainly be perks related to different styles of combat.
Molehills =/= mountains.
There's a difference between evolution (like Metal Gear Solid) and mutation (Fallout 2 to Fallout 3).
OP welcome to the tyranny of majority.
Also it's never too late to demand change,even if for fatuous reasons.
The Broken Steel DLC changed the entire ending and the definitive format of the game, a decision I abhor but it shows change can be engendered quite easily.
It's a "stock" answer but it's worth re-articulating:
Without this disputation we would have even less chance of playing our favorite games or something akin to them.Without this disputation Fallout will digress from it's ethos even further, retaining a paucity of it's soul as it's amalgamated forcefully with the elder scrolls.
What nostalgia glasses? I got my ray bans, but the game still seems as fresh to me as when I first played it if not better. It's aged well, like a fine wine or a good cheese.
I'm looking forward to Fallout 4 actually. It looks like they've improved a lot of what was wrong in Fallout 3.
Actually on a long term view, isnt there arisk that the "like Skyrim with guns" becomes a total reality and that people see Elder Scrolls and Fallout as total clones with just a different atmosphere/lore?
NV was fine wine and FO3 was in between wine and vinegar.
The game is done, mate, nothing will change from hereon out.
I was talking about people who say it's not like first and second Fallout games which is true, but games evolve (or mutate), to keep up with the current technologies and visual quality. The old style RPG systems are slowly dying with new system taking their place (Ex: Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age) and that is not a bad thing if people learn accept them as they are without filtering them through the
Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity have sold incredibly well with much critical acclaim. I don't even know what an old style RPG is. Do you mean turn-based, top down? Well, real-time, first person RPGs have existed for long time, as long as turn-based isometric RPGs have.
Yup. Both games made through kickstarter support kinda shows that companies have drifted quite far away from the traditional RPG visual system, at least (as you say, top down). And while first/third person RPGs have existed for a while, it is no doubt that they have overtaken the old top-down traditional RPG (while still respecting some of the traditional gameplay rules).
Well, in the early to mid 90s, first-person RPGs were the norm. There are more than a dozen titles I could give as an example: Ravenloft, Menzeberrenzan, Betrayal at Krondor, Ultima Underworld, Might and Magic, Wizardry, just to name a few. There were a few SSI titles that had a tactical, top down map, but it wasn't until the late 90s when top down RPGs really started to come into their own.
I imagine, first person is here to stay, but I think top-down, turn-based RPGs will have a comeback, maybe soon. There's just too many fans of that style to dismiss it, JRPGs and CRPGs alike.
Until those fans lose interest that is, because they have the only interest as it stands now, with mid-level or large gaming companies moving on to different types of systems.
Why the hate for the modern engine?
Wasteland 2 did sell well but have you people played the damn game?
It's a huge pile of WASTED POTENTIAL. The time it takes to unlock those damn safes and traps, the point allocation (even maxed out skills still take a 40% chance to skill check.) TRAVELLING is a chore. No fast travel option. Oases are scattered all over the place. Water is hardly a problem.
The battle is oversimplified, melee system is complete GARBAGE. The Assault Rifle is the only weapon worth using. Learning the lore of locations REQUIRES you to obtain documents scattered in chests or random corpses. Hell I don't mind you getting to learn the Fallout lores just by speaking to a settler compared to how you learn them in Wasteland. The whole plot is predictable as hell. The ending is already spoiled by the first broadcast of Matthias.
Don't get me wrong. It's still a good game. Would have been a solid 9/10 but its flaws decrease the value to 4.5/10. Not worth a replay.
I think the best thing to do is find a mixture of both, yes games are evolving and there is a series of mechanical changes that come with that. But there also is a fine line not to cross so that the game doesn't become too saturated and easy.
Whether or not the game will be ruined by the skyriminization that the OP suggests, the thing that I agree with is that I hope they don't dumb the game down and make it easy to win and play through. I want a challenging game and an immersive game. I'm not really a fan of how modern games just let players win anymore. And that's something that shouldn't come with games evolving in my opinion
here's a link to the satire website Cracked, but they do a nice/funny little summary of how games have evolved. Take it with a grain of salt, but hopefully developers learn a thing or two from stuff like this
Nope, going to have to disagree with most of that.
In short, these are needless concerns in my opinion.
By all means 'vote with your wallet' but that is a personal choice, not one that represents players (including old ones).
Unkillable companions was indroduced with New Vegas (without hardcoe mod)... So why do you don't blame Obsidian for this one...?
Because it's okay when the spiritual successor to Black Isle does it?