Umm... I don't. And A LOT of people on here don't want that either.
If anything was a mistake, it was Broken Steel, so why do the same mistake twice with that? :shrug:
Broken Steel was fun... at least I thought so. Being able to run around afterwards didn't really make or break the game for me.
Because Fallout 3 had a ending like this.
Lol, you got a supermuntant who is immune to rads, BUT he can't go in cause. So you die, or that girl dies.
Then a lame ending screen.
Then it was
LOL, you live!
and nothing you done made any changes at all what so ever.
Here in Fallout N.V we get a nice peachy dialog and picktures about what we did.
Ill take the ending and pics ok?
can you mod that on the PC version? i think it doesn't make sense to end the game when you can mod and add-on to the adventures and such.
Um, don;t go past the point of no return? Don't play the main quest? Get revenge and then wonder off doing you're own thing?
Don't cry for them to fix what is not broken.