According to Xbox LIVE data published by Microsoft's "Major Nelson" yesterday, Crysis 2 isn't even on the top 20 most played games on Xbox LIVE, with titles such as Call of Duty: World at War and even 2007's Halo 3 making appearances on the list -- meaning that more people play said games than Crysis 2.
Things only look worse when we take a look at statistics on Steam. According to the service, there are currently 472 players on right now, with the "peak" being 551. We're unable to take a gander at numbers on the PlayStation 3 version.
I told you CryTek, i told you about the consoles... but you didnt listen... ohhh no you didnt... maybe you got a nice numbers on the "sales" charts, but thats just because you lied all of us about a HUGE SUPER SEQUEL and you gave us a simple console **** and crappy port, filled of bugs on release date, making it unplayable (nano catalist bug anyone?) and no advanced video options!.....
When you go console..... your games fade away in obscurity....
In a distant future, someone will remember Crysis 1 as the top Video Benchmark Game that lasted as the Most Good Looking game from 2007 to 2011 (or more), and NO ONE will remember Crysis 2....