It's a big ol wasteland, so if posters wish to be helpful, perhaps they could describe precisely which walls they are coming up against that they feel break suspension. As has been previously (and repeatedly) stated, there are several points on the perimeter of Quarry Junction that seem traversable but are not; also I reckon the crater that blocks the highway heading north-west out of the map could use a few more carefully placed car wrecks.
Ranger Station Charlie, to the north-east is a... Hill? Mountain? I dunno, a large rocky output.
Anyway, it doesn't have anything specific around it like the invisible walls meant to prevent people from going north the instant the game begins.
All there is around it is some legionaries, a railroad and... sand.
Anyway, It it possible to jump up on that... Rocky thing... And for some reason there is invisible walls around there.
The one's at quarry are meant to prevent the player from killing the Deathclaws too easily and to prevent players from heading north.
But what is this one preventing me to go to?
There's nothing around of importance anyway.
There's no real reason for me to go on top of it either, it's not like it's a shortcut either.
But that's beside the point.
I see that... Rocky thing... And I want to climb it.
I know I can get up on it.
Maybe I want to view the landscape from a higher point.
But the invisible wall is there for no reason.
Next thing, Primm.
To the east of Primm is a long invisible wall stretching from the mountain from north to south.
I can take the rail-road to skip going to Primm anyway.
So it's not like the game wants me to go to Primm.
It's not like there's something dangerous around there between the railroad and Primm that has the invisible wall designed like it is for Quarry Junction.
It has no reason being there.
There is nothing of interest around there.
Nothing dangerous.
There's nothing there.
But I can't shortcut over it anyway.
And I can't understand the one to the east of the railroad either, I can take Primm Pass to get from the west side of the map to the east side very quickly.
So since the game isn't designed so it's needed for us to go through Nipton I wonder why we can't just skip over the mountain instantly.