I'd be down for it.
I'd be down for it.
As it turns out, Metal Gear Solid V TPP has an absolutely abysmal save game system. There is only one save game file, and the player has no control over when "checkpoints" are taken.
Anything that damages your save game destroys your entire history. You have to start all over again.
This system would be absolutely unusable with mods.
With Bethesda games, I have always manually created saves by character. Not hard to do; just copy the save directory to a character specific directory when switching.
Something a little more automatic would be nice. And don't use the TPP model!
i agree also, saves should be seperated by character.
Mad Max goes by different Load Games, but that's the equivalent for that game and separate alts of the character since you can't have individual save games for the same iteration of the character.
It was a pain on Skyrim to try to figure out which character was which, considering I'd play for a while as one character (Dark Elf for example) and then switch for a while to another (Argonian, etc.).
Karma level and gender should also be indicated.
The one thing everyone can actually agree with, and even I agree
Let's hope only time will tell ................
Yeah, it really would be a good quality-of-life improvement.
Actually, I'm kind of surprised how this thread's been going - previous times that the idea has come up (Skyrim forum/etc), there's usually a few people throwing around "dumbing down" and criticizing people for not being able to manage their saves without a crutch.
Strange. When I suggested this same thing about a month ago, I attracted the attention of a bunch of people telling me that I am lazy. I guess a different set of eyes viewed this particular thread instead of the same ones I encountered.
Anyways, this would be a great feature. Sure it is not a make or break feature, but to me it makes sense to implement this into a game that encourages frequent saving and creating multiple characters. It worked for Mass Effect, so I don't see why it would not work for Fallout.
I think people are overexaggerating just how terrible the current setup is in BGS games. You have the capacity to name your saves, for one. If you also aren't creating 100+ saves for one character, this really isn't that big of a deal. While it's certainly a convenience improvement, it's not something I'd say BGS needs to do. I'd rather they focus on actually making a better game instead of a more convenient interface for alt-a-holics. I've never had problems switching between characters as long as I keep my saves organized and give appropriate names to them.
We also would need to consider how much of the community makes multiple characters. It makes more sense in TES as there are ten different races to choose from. In Fallout, everybody is human. You are either choosing gender or your ethnicity at that point, which doesn't provide differing racial stats like TES. I wouldn't be surprised if most people are just playing the game with one character. Seeing as traditionally you've been able to do everything on one playthrough of a BGS game, there really isn't a point to making another character and repeating content.
It's not that I'm against this inclusion, but I'd rather BGS prioritize game features that desperately need improvement. This is honestly probably something a modder could do. It could perhaps even be a feature BGS adds in their post-release patches, although I'd want something more substantial than just QoL updates.
Hopefully it's in Fallout 4. If not I hope it can added with mods or DLC.
I generally keep a rotating set of 12+ saves for a character (in case of errors/etc). Saved manually, but not via the console, so they have the general save#-playtime-name-location format. And yes, at times, when I've had a save from another character shuffled into that (or a particular save for that charcter that I'd like to save), I've accidentally overwritten it.
Having per-character/"profile" save files would be a relatively simple function to include in the game. Would everyone use it? No. But not every feature - especially QOL things, interface tweaks, options - needs to be used by 100% of people for it to be a good idea.
(Having a FOV adjustment in graphics options is another one. Which is an interesting change for me - back when I was gaming on a 1680x1050 monitor, I never understood why people got so worked up about FOV. As soon as I got a larger, standard-widescreen HD monitor, I understood. ))
Just because we can only play human in Fallout doesn't mean it can't be added. People will play different styles( sniper, melee, smooth talker, ect.) and make different choices
Over the years I've just understood how excessively saving in BGS is important. I learned the hard way playing Morrowind back in 2002 when I went an entire day without saving and accidentally died. I've been saving every five minutes in all games ever sense and it actually pays off as auto save isn't reliable. Getting more on topic, you really just have to be careful when saving or deleting. My character names are always different so I personally have never overwritten another character. Even if I did, I have multiple save files for one character backing it up so a lot of progress is generally never lost.
I'm not saying 100% of people need to use the feature. I do believe it's something a majority would likely use though. I would just like to see metrics on how many people who will play Fallout 4 will actually make multiple characters. I'm really under the impression those who make more than one character will be a minority, thus the demand for a feature (while it might be nice) may not make sense when BGS is prioritizing what to add to the game. Again, I could really see a mod resolving this issue.
As far as FOV, that affects game play. It's not just a simple reorganization of the menu interface. Features that affect game play are absolutely necessary, even though I personally have never used FOV.
I recognize this. I was merely pointing out it makes more sense for a TES game than a Fallout game, especially with the level cap removed. Players will be able to excel in all traits and perks eventually, rendering the purpose of making an alt pointless for many if they aren't role playing.
What? In Fallout New Vegas, I managed to create around ten different characters, even though humans are the only playable race in the game. I made an Energy Weapon/Medicine/Science specialist, a Stealth Sniper, a Survivalist, a Melee Warrior, a Melee Ninja, an Explosive Lover & Pyromaniac, a Silver-Tounged Peacekeeper, and a few others. Fallout offers much content that allows players to go through multiple playthroughs.
Also, after being affected by the dreaded corrupt save file plague that destroyed one of my favorite characters, I decided to make multiple save for each character so that I do not lose all of my progress for them again. Players like me would receive great benefits from being able to separate saves by character.
Just because a feature may not have any noticeable issues, it does not mean it cannot be improved upon.
I loved that save game system you had with mass effect to have the different characters stories and save-game divided to their own folders and sub folders with all the save games so you could import new save games or old ones you had as well and they would not be mixed in with your newest save games, and that would also be a good option for fallout 4 if you ask me, i loved doing some missions and characters differently and comparing them a long the way, and that save game system made it so much easier since it was the career of each character or their story if you will.
And as people have stated it could be a problem in Skyrim and such to figure out what save game went with a specific character, however i think it is maybe to late in the process to have something like this save game at this time but it could be something to think about down the line or for the next big title.
Would be a nice addition i only can endorse aswell.
Still remembering, as i tried to play 2 characters in Skyrim. Playing one for some time, then always as i switched to the others, i had to seach long time for the right save. Yes, i am a often save guy and it somewhere down the road leads to the act of desperation to create folders aswell with different saves and managing it manually.
I am hoping this as well. I will be running several different games when its first launched as I don't start serious long term games till after the first few patches are out and all the major save corrupting bugs are hopefully caught.
I'll add a save game mod to do that, but having from the beginning would be nice.
Guess it depend on how fast they get the mod tools out and how long my first play through takes.
So how long do you think your first real play though will take?
I'm thinking about 3 months playing 15 to 20 hours per week (after the first few weeks).
That is only about 250 hours.
"Dumbing down"? Saving and loading shouldn't be a difficulty. Them peeps be trippin'
No. This is a crappy idea.
I feel obligated to play every character through, al the way before starting another. As if it is cheating or something.
But, I like the idea for anyone that wants to play their own build on my console.