Did the spider looking daedra in oblivion not bother you?
well they didnt as much as a normal spider would and i think it might be because its like a human torso on spider legs.
i now understand that removal is a bit much but i would at least want the option to turn them on and off. that or im just going to have to get over it, which i'm not sure i can do.
also a lot of people keep bringing up other phobias that to me seem odd to me (like the dragon one) because i've never known people with them. so to people with other phobias i want to ask if you have problems with them in games. i can't even look at pictures of spiders so i know to avoid games and movies that have them. its just that i loved oblivion so much and im looking forward to skyrim so much, its dissapointing that i might not get to enjoy skyrim because of my phobia.