Hehe my brother just got a remote control tarantula, I'd love to send it into your room while you're playing
I think the biggest killer is how they're animated and whether they can go up the sides of walls. I'm okay with spiders but the way their legs move is a little unnerving. Play Dark Messiah, I know you'll just love the spiders in that 

I liked the spider in Dark Messiah it was very easy to kill. only played that level though, then sold the game. I find it very boring considering how hyped up it was.
I was actually a kind person and helped her out with her fear by giving a practical solution. Please don't take phobias so nonchalantly. A "real" phobia is something most people know nothing about. I for one get very unnerved and very scared of spiders, but I don't mind that. I do have a real phobia. It's astrophobia (or so I call it) it's the fear of an astronomical phenomena causing destruction to the world, a dragon destroying the world doesn't bother me btw. I seriously can't look at the night sky for more than a few seconds. The sky thing is because of a childhood accident of falling off of monkey bars while hanging upside down and busting my chin. I have a fear of falling into space and imploding. So those are my phobias. Ironicly I love stars, and space. Star trek is my favorite TV series. And I liked the DLC for the observatory in oblivion. So I can't relate with a game bothering me, but I can understand if it does. If anyone here seriously thinks they'd be bugged, excuse the pun, by the spiders I'll give you some advice that should help.