About now, there might be over 3 sites full of threads about people wanting Crytek to delay the release and change the whole gameplay design, wich is totally point- and useless. I think Crytek have got this adressed, but still, they just ain't going to cancel the whole project, because some people from the (very small) C1 MP fangroup are getting furious about the new gameplay design. It is way to late for that. I've also noticed that everyone posting this type of thread is a newcomer to this forum, and is unable to read the first thread at the top of the section. "Doublicate Threads - please search before posting" with a light green name called "Cry-Adam" next to it. Do you think it was posted to be ignored? No matter how many threads you make, it's up to them making the game, not you. They'll take feedback, but not cancel order from you. And please quit beeing selfish and ignorant! There are way more people out there who enjoy the new gameplay style of Crysis 2, und goddamnit, I don't whine about any other game that's not what I imagined. C1 MP had one of the smallest fangroup then other games. This fangroup was also even smaller then the fangroup who enjoyed the singleplayer of the game. That's what they want to change, and I don't think they would change that for keeping the old gameplay alive. This would really be a DOA.