» Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:29 pm
The deep water is, for me, a frightening place by its very nature. The hidden mystery of what lies below is somehow psychologically terrifying for me without even trying. But they have never tried to use that dark world to inspire more fear, or to add some 3D dimensionality to their worlds. The life around the shoreline should be fish and sea weed and stuff, but further out, in the deeper areas, there should be some large sharks, serpentine monsters, whales for even further out and deeper, and a host of NEW monsters with special abilities and and/or attacks that we've never experienced in battle before. To create fear, to promote challenge, to make adventure exciting.
The biggest problem with water in previous TES games is that you can't cast spells. There were technological reasons for that I am sure, and hurdles we could not until overcome now, but now is indeed the time! Therefore, I want to propose a solution in case no one has found one at Bethesda. Before you go into the water you cast "Air Pocket" which forms a magical barrier for you against water. When you enter the water, the water does not touch your character, you are floating inside a bubble that you can negotiate in any direction as if swimming. Inside the bubble there is air and the space to move your hands and you can speak, but outside the bubble is a field of energy that rolls around you from front to back, only occasionally covering your vision.
You can use a DX 11 shader to make the bubble appear to shimmer, roll, and distort the imagery on the outside of the bubble (as if it were convoluted glass, only the imperfections in the glass would actually move around and not be attached to any one place in the glass) and that would create the illusion of the water rolling over the magical "glass" dome. When you cast your spell, it shoots THROUGH the semi-permeable barrier using a specialized "Underwater Magic Combat" Arcane Lore skill you must learn before you can do magic underwater. How well you improve that skill is how good your spell is at permeating the barrier to then go out and do what it does.
If it's a fire spell, obviously, counteracting with water, it is very hot but it should begin to dimish in size the further out it goes to its target. At close range, you could achieve 70% of your spells natural ability, but with greater distance continues to diminish its power until it simply vanishes. You could make bubbles appear all along its path to indicate its affect on the water through which it is passing.
If you shoot an ice ball, it speeds up underwater due to how melting ice becomes superfluid, and it creates a spear of ice from your bubble to the target which later falls to the bottom under its own weight and colder density.
If you shoot a lightning bolt, everything from your magical barrier to the target and beyond is electrified simultaneously, but you (inside the air bubble) are immune. Maybe some electrical forks snake back around and coil around your sphere in a frightening way, but still no damage is done, its just for show.
In this way, you can have a new and immersive system for magic underwater and allow for some true underwater adventure to lost cities, secret pools, dungeons that can only be entered from beneath the water (this was in MW already) ... but now it could be filled with dangerous underwater battles offering a new perspective that could take RPG's in new directions (especially when you factor in the Mods that would come out of that!) Wow, so awesome!